Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

mod apps

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mod app? I mean he hasn’t been around in a while but he’s pretty cool


what if the earth is actually flat

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I said this in a wolfgame of mine once (referring to worlds in which I was evil as “pudding worlds” as I found them made-up and false) and ever since I don’t think I’ve seen the world “pudding world” used dismissively to refer to any world that is actually false. Every time someone calls something a pudding world it’s for realsies. My sample size is two

This is the other sample

Eh that’s boring compared to donut Earth.

Should I try using “pudding” as a signal to let you know when I’m being serious about something?

A “pudding world” is generally considered to be a surface-level far-fetched world that once actually believes in on some level. It became regular terminology back home. I went back and checked, most future “pudding worlds” were not for realsies. “The vigilante is fake and was given a gun by the dead town inventor” is a pudding world. So not so much a signal of seriousness as a signal of acknowledgement that the argument one is making is a little bit out there but still being sincerely considered.


may kfc role pm

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Isn’t pudding world a hypothetical thought experiment outlining the possible dangers of AI?

Also, much like flat earth, I am not the result of the Steel Smelting process.



Don’t act like u didnt take this from neil cicierega smh

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It actually traces back to an older source

(Theres spiders in this video)

I am willing to beat neil cicierega up for being made of pudding and nothing else. Is this okay?

How would you beat up pudding

With my fists

Will this harm the pudding