Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

That clogs up thread. TBH time to be a hater but MU was better optimization

If u highlight a snippet or a whole post a quote button pops up. U can click it to copy paste the code which would let u quote the snippet. Would be a lot easier to read. Rn imma read u quoting my posts, but i dont wanna click thru everything else u linked, and i think most if not everyone else wouldnt put in the effort (i meant this with a positive notion, jus helping a buddy out yeah?)

Omg doggo

I’m ignoring every post you sent

People are mostly just meant to read through the things that im reffering to them.

I know how to do qoutes, I just hate them ngl

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Hi I voted marluna so wagons look better and they had a funny post

I mean that is a reasonable response but what does it mean in regards to our slots? Is it wolfy for us to be doing it? Or did you just point it out so you can seem like you’re doing something helpful?

I found this towny coz it feels absurd to write as maf, the logical answer is obvious, feels like either a town questioning and/or town pushing back @Luka

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God why wont this read die

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So True Oomfie Kon

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im being owned so hard youve known me for like a year luka :sob:


who TodaysStory’d my title i dotn want to be todaysstory’d im angelling

Sorry sob

Yeah but u arent them @Luka

The moment u pull it off it stops being towny for u

I dont think story has pulled this off. She cleared up that i sorta misunderstood anyway. And anyway i still towncore her

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that’s sad

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read idea is bad but you do you ^^

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your interactions with my slot are uh. peculiar
what makes the read so weird?


Focus isn’t only on Wazza here. You should consider rereading the 5 people I mentioned and find the wolf in them if possible.


This is PoD’s first game on FoL. Let them have a day tbh

A scum calling a town town isnt out of the norm at all

They’re the one with 4 votes on them but fair point