The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

VOTE: hal

VOTE: hal

This topic was automatically closed after 47 hours. New replies are no longer allowed.

hal (4): Achromatic, SultanOfSlam, Atlas, wrongboy
Achromatic (2): idot, Trisscar
Psyaryu (2): beancat, Frostwolf103
idot (1): Crescent
Frostwolf103 (1): Millium

Not Voting (3): Kiiruma, hal, Psyaryu

Allow 5 minutes for corrections and such. :sleepingleafeon:

@hal has been executed!

He was...

Night 2 starts and will end at 2024-01-12T22:00:00Z


1 Like

@Atlas has been killed!

His role was...

@Frostwolf103 has been killed!

His role was...

Day 3 starts now, and ends at 2024-01-14T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 10 players alive, majority requires 6 votes.




Fuck me man

Well holy fuck that sucks. We need something big in our favor here town.

This game is very interlocked, intriguing.

@Achromatic SO what’s your read here then?

I can’t even make Frost explain his fucking self

I mean I townread him but

Why are thrre so many back ups

I can see that amount as a way to balance swingyness when it comes to yeets and NKs. Really makes me wonder what the mafia team looks like though, to match these roles.

Ya i couldnt find frost i went though their iso a couple times and the vanillanize bugged me.

yeah I was gonna question them about their vote on psy so.


I have thoughts on what these mean and do wanna discuss them, but anticlaim bleh.

@idot Still wanna talk to you about stuff.

anyway. @Millium Why did you vote frost last second, despite him having 0 votes at the time?
