'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY


Regarding “public votes” and “actual votes (actual vote weight)”:

  • Public votes are the votes shown in every VC.
  • Some players may or may not have more or less vote weight than actually shown. Their vote weight is secretly different, but unless stated otherwise, their public vote weight is still [1].
  • The vote weight of players who are [Not voting] are always shown as [1].

Regarding triggers and checks:

  • Majority and Supermajority get triggered when certain amount of public votes have been reached.
    After getting triggered, the hosts will check whether sufficient amount of “actual votes” were gathered to execute a player. If there are, then the player gets executed. Otherwise, the player does not get executed and the game continues.
    (The player may still get executed by Majority or Supermajority if more votes were added, as each vote triggers the checks.)
  • Plurality and Soft-Plurality don’t get triggered. Instead, they are automatically checked at every EOD. Just like Majority and Supermajority, the hosts will check whether sufficient amount of “actual votes” were gathered to execute someone with Soft-Plurality.




@Gorta has been killed!

His role was...

You are a [Town] Day Tri Copycat

Each day, you are obligated to choose three targets.
If you don’t choose any targets, then they will be randomized.
During night phase, you will randomly copy one of your targets’ ability.
You will lose said ability upon the start of the next night phase.
This ability is locked at XYLO.

Your win condition is to eliminate all Mafia and any other threatening parties.

Day 3 begins and ends at 2022-09-17T12:00:00Z. Since there are 11 players alive, Supermajority requires 8 votes.


This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

Who did you shot?

Do you get a feedback, if your target accept your deal, or not?

Hardclaim. Now.

Okay wtf are mafia just not attacking people of sucking at attacking

I shot Gorta obviously

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Are the mafia’s luck so bad that they just target the protected or just not decide to kil???

Did anyone get attacked?

Idk what’s going on with that but I’m misclearing some people for sure

@Zorvo you never answered me on why you think you should be obvious town

Also @leafia idg why you didn’t check if the extra vote counted

Wtf is the point of it then

My idea right now, that lol didn’t accept the deal.

Actually i wanted to quote and state stuff but didnt get time
So i belive cream is very much town cuz she was the one who started the bean vote when voting was concentrated on luna

Unless cream and luna are w/w and luna just has a more powerful role but… I dont really think thats possible

Gyr is also town imo since he was voted by bean at random saying he was saying luna was scum for scumslipping maybe aiming for a mislynch
Plus gyr was second vote on bean iirc

But didnt leafia say she got confirmation of smth?
I was thinking whether lol was a fake result giver or smth and voted beancat too to not reveal that his vote wasnt lost

well, now I feel dumb defending scum (that rhymed)
but at least my (very) weak town read on Gorta was right

Rechecked during night, she never claimed to know the deal’s result.

How clear is Lemonfairy? Is it possible mafia didn’t attack anyone and then lemon claimed this to get cleared?

I’ll wait and see if anyone claims to be attacked today but I feel something is off with my reads and want to figure it out

Glass and Cream can lead.

Lemonfairy was never CCed (as the confirmed town role)

also kills are wack
first me, then gorta

who’s getting TR’d wrongly?

Obscurity killed Gorta

that makes more sense

redirected and attacked lets gooo

whoever i was redirected to is the same allignment as leafia btw