'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY


In which case I claim BPV Serial Killer and evil’s bane. Come after me, evil vigi. Test my bluff.

:blobby: :blobjam:
We have two.

I would say i am average.
I used to suck but the last 2 or 3 games i played i really felt that i had improved


I think there is atleast one neutral
I think so because of the way the wincon is termed

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Like in Lemon’s opening post?

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Where were hose two hiding?
I definitely didnt see them



you see, the “why hello there” shows a casual friendliness that is good for entering a thread with
the “fellow towns” implies that I am town and that I’m so towny that my hello is only reserved for other towns

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In the emoji menu, the last category (depicting a Leafeon, because everyone loves Leafia) has custom emojis.


(in case you still haven’t got it, I’m not being serious here)

Not really. It reads like a wolf trying to appear like a villager.

that’s the humor in it

This: :sleepingleafeon: and this: :annoyedleafeon: are emojis I had Chloe create for me when I became a donor to the site.


Ooh, that just connected a thread in my mind.

Okay, so there’s probably a Kaguya-sama situation. There isn’t a neutral unaligned with Mafia, but there wouldn’t be a serial killer or anything because that’s unbalanced if so. Maybe there’s an executioner or something… although with rolemadness you could do so much better than that.

Still doesn’t read as villagery.

I hope there is a third party here. Makes me feel safer as Town

I’d be shocked if there wasn’t.

By the way, the time rn for me is 10:44pm… how has time passed so quickly, again?

Anyway, my point is that while I’ll only be here for a short time per SOD, I’ll be online for a long while before EOD. Which I think I deserve, after drawing the short straw so many times.

An executioner with you as their target, gotcha.


How though?
They could be anti town for all we know
even if not aligned to mafia