Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

3 if you include neutral evil.

I hope so

i claim the pelt

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End of Day 1 Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
ATNoName Aelin (#2373), Amelia (#3058), Blizer (#3065), Jarek (#3067), Atlas (#3071) 5/9
[No Exe] orangeandblack5 (#3002), Capybara (#3005), CRichardFortressLies (#3033) 3/9
Atlas EliThePsycho (#2446), clonedcheese (#2911), Kiiruma (#3025) 3/9
Arctic Gorta (#3021) 1/9
clonedcheese Arctic (#2887) 1/9
Jarek lol (#2608) 1/9
Not Voting sand (#1484), Dum (#2205), ATNoName (#3038) 3

If any votes are missing or wrong, ping the host in your classcard you have 5 minutes

Spot reserved for flavor that is now seeming like an empty promise, but lets hope.

@ATNoName was fed to fricken Lazer Sharks and died… they were…

The Shaman

Azure Dragoon Social

Totem of Dying (Day) - Target player cannot be healed tonight. Cannot target the same player two days in a row. - 2 uses

Siphon Life (Night) - Target a player. When they die, you will steal their first night ability as a 1 use ability that can be used alongside other actions. If their first night ability would be one of the following, you will get the corresponding ability that is listed - Infinite Uses

  • Capable of targeted killing: Heal
  • From Unshackled/Cult: Lacerate [see Assassin]
  • From Neutral Evil: Stakeout [see Spy]
  • Otherwise unusable: Heal

Defeat the Unshackled or Cult and any Neutral Evils.

The Lazer sharks spit out a journal containing the last of his memories

The life and dreams of a person named ATNoName

Amelia Town
Blizer Town
Aelin Town
Atlas Town?
Sand Town
Gorta Town? (Probably scum pressuring him)
Kiiruma Nulltown
Eli Nulltown
Jarek Neut
Dum Null
CRichard Null

Extra notes:
Kiiruma has been trending down since the whole Gorta thing could have been preplanned.
Jarek is prob neut for worrying about neut
Aelin is I guess trying but 0% read accuracy here we go
uhh I think thats all I have for extra notes

The whole CRichard situation is something I can’t interpret as it could be what I said or it could just be CRich implusively doing stuff.


Night Begins and will last 24 hours or until 2022-01-12T23:00:00Z. Actions will be locked 1 hour before then.

Vote Histories have been added below the OP

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@Atlas was slapped by the gorilla glue monkey and perished, they were…

The Prophet

Azure Dragoon Support

Divine Providence (Night) - Give a player death immunity tonight. If you die, you will attack them instead. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses
Rapture (Night) - If the target player is attacked, you will die in their place instead. If you die in any way when using this ability, you will create a permanent chat with your target and not be added to dead chat as long as they live. - Infinite Uses :crown:

Defeat the Unshackled or Cult and any Neutral Evils.

Atlas' personal diary

rip at

if y’all didn’t flip around votes at eod I wouldn’t of had to vote him

N1 (???) (Didn’t want to make them a target)

Eli prob neutral/evil

Kiiruma eod voting me was really bad, but nullscum

blizer why’d you flip around votes so much, nulltown

Arc is town-ish

Gorta might be neutral? Maybe not, null otherwise

Capy was weird at eod, wish they’d did more than asking me for stuff that could’ve done hours before, nullscum

I dont remember much from dum, null

Sand nullscum

Amelia townlean

Lol is probably converted, Townlean otherwise

Aelin null

Jarek townlean

Orange nullscum

Cloned scumlean, his last ditch eod would make sense from either side, but could just be me falling to AtE

jarek being neutral is possible, though I think it’s less likely than eli scum/neut

Also to my guesses of which neutrals

Eli is probably crone/vamp, inq is unlikely. Eli, if your vamp claim d2

Gorta/jarek maybe vamp/merc? if eli or sand is evil there’s probably an inq

Get cloned’s claim.

@Dum got pushed into a ditch and that ditch had a dragon in it and ate them, they were…

The Prophet

Azure Dragoon Support

Divine Providence (Night) - Give a player death immunity tonight. If you die, you will attack them instead. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses
Rapture (Night) - If the target player is attacked, you will die in their place instead. If you die in any way when using this ability, you will create a permanent chat with your target and not be added to dead chat as long as they live. - Infinite Uses :crown:

Defeat the Unshackled or Cult and any Neutral Evils.

Dum's personal reflection on life

They didn’t have logs were to far now to stop the joke

Day 2 Begins and will last 48 hours or 2022-01-14T23:00:00Z or until a Majority of 8 is reached. Plurality is in place as well

During the first 12 hours you can vote for a player to become king. Votes will be done in classcard. You can still vote for execution during this time in the game thread as normal.

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Uhh okay

Atlas died cause of his claim

Dum died cause he was kinda of obvious town or maybe doc dodge

Can wolfs have two KP or is one of this from town

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Mech time

Anyone claim this

…anyone claim this as well

Wait is this even possible

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also we need to coordinate our King votes, else a scum get elected

prolly richard

probably died because of his ability, simply because there is better targets
although people will likely claim it

Unless I’m missing something, we should only have one death.

vote me
problem solved

oh rapture yeah that makes sense actually