A very sad day for a certain Leafeon

That hurt to read, I really hope you’re okay or that you will be okay and I’m sure everyone on this site is here for you :heart: :sleepingleafeon:



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Thank you Wazza. That means a lot to me and I think I’ll recover completely in time.

Hands Wazza some bandaids You should’ve worn protective equipment before reading it I think. Giggles a bit

I miss her already and thank you so much everyone for being here for me in my time of need. You’ve made this so much more bearable for me and I truly appreciate it. Gives everyone a leafhug


Perhaps she did not merely pass, but evolved into a Ghouleon, to explore both this world and the next.


Possible. Would explain a lot.

Nothing like I good ol Pokémon!

I’m a Flygon!
Pokémon usually helps during hard times.

True. Dragon Quest 9 is helping me right now though. Had to send my Switch to Nintendo to get some water damage repaired since I accidentally spilled water on it.

DQ9 is the :goat:


It’s definitely fun.