An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

and this was a really emotional game
which annoyed me on two different levels cause of that
i can get mad at myself and others later
lets get this over with

i’ve made my choice, hosts
feel free.

wish i had a quote


@Agent47 has died! They were…

Rose, Town Backup


If the Town Compulsive Sorcerer dies, you become the Town Compulsive Sorcerer.
Win Condition: You win when all of the Mafia members are dead and 1 Town member remains alive.

@Porscha has died! They were…

Purple, Mafia Stalker


Every night, target a player. You learn who visited them, and who they visited.
Win Condition: You win when the number of living mafia members is equal to or more than the number of living town.

That’s an interesting kill.

Likely Atlas I’d think. They should shoot Porscha.


Thanks for shooting Porscha.

Alright, one down. We got this

Now unfortunately I am at the point of uncertainty.


I want you to place for first vote.

The fact I didn’t die nor receive the bomb can easily point to you being a wolf.

So you need to 1v1 here.

I have a feeling the wolves chose Atlas because someone is wrong within the PoE and I already made it clear I would have bombed Porscha myself.
But it could have also been done to throw me off and it is just Ice/Pigeon.

Sorry to pull a Zorvo but who’s Tan?
Just out of curiosity, I noticed they haven’t flipped yet and it would be nice to know who has the best among us colour.

Damn why is Ice so Townie?

I’m voting last btw.

Voting Order:


Noooo my wolfread died

I’m trying to figure out if it could fundamentally be Pigeon and Baker.

I know it can be Pigeon/Ice or Pigeon/Olivest

Baker hard defended Porscha and called Pigeon the Sorcerer.

Only person that called someone an exact role,
Why did you call Pigeon Sorcerer before?
What’s your reason?

@IcetFeelsPain IMO unless it is Olivest/Baker, Pigeon is probably your best bet.

It can still be Olivest/Baker.

Any misfire here loses the game, @IcetFeelsPain
If your town, this should be in your hands here as first vote.

YBW hard went for baker from basically her first post, I’d need an explanation for why on earth she would go for such a bus that early on. It’s completely pointless, it’d just damage her teammate’s standing