Behind the Masks: Ides of Insanity (LITTEN-THE DOG WINS!)

will we get flavor soon

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i am with family right now and figured postponing flavor is better than postponing phases


I might have done something very bad and I’ll find out once this game ends I imagine




I think tro is mafia


i had an incredibly stupid role idea

Bounty Hunter

At the start of the game, and any time a bounty dies, a player is randomly marked as a bounty; you know who they are, but not their role. If you successfully guess the bounty’s role, then you gain a secret gift reserve (does not count towards limit) & move up three spaces on both challenge lists.

on a scale of 1-10 how stupid is it
any other feedback

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for context, I’ve been schemeing an overhaul of the game that trends more towards a coup-style “hidden role game focused around learning other’s roles”

part of these changes involve guess immunity only being redeemable once
so this role isn’t absolute garbage

rather than a survivor-style “make allies & persaude other people” game

Oh, disregarding balance and other changes, I think the general idea sounds cool. I’d say around 8 or so. Litten and I were just chatting a bit about reworks as well. We were thinking how it might be cool to have lots of roles available as extras and not knowing which are actually in the game, kind of like BotF with scripts. But the Coup-style thing sounds like another cool approach.


i’ve been schemeing a lot too
here’s a list of balance changes (most of which build upon the guess immunity change as a foundation)

list of balance changes

  • guess immunity once per game (it changes the whole dynamic and buffs a bunch of roles)
  • soldier gets one of two buffs:
    • inherets the MAA gun when the MAA dies (or just if the MAA shoots the soldier, idk which yet) (still guessable as soldier, and not MAA)
    • once-per-game kill, appearing as MAA
  • soldier getting shot & retaliating should appear as a good ol MAA kill either way
  • list changes:
    • blacksmith & musician at the top of their respective lists
    • blackmailer slightly lower (?)
  • nymph is, instead of their current immunities, immune to MAA in fire form, and immune to poisoner in water form, and immune to barbarian & blackmailer in nature form.
  • blackmailer’s target can now be swapped via plate switches
  • court jester may skip dinner phase. court jester automatically activates if them not entertaining leads to their death. if they willingly trigger it, then they get to choose their list positions for the next phase. (?)
  • gardener is always immune to guesses. if not that extreme, then gardener can hand out two flowers per round.

the changes marked with a (?) are uncertain changes that probably need to be tested

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this is what eliza does when they are afk from games

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I think everyone should challenge me cuz I don’t many gifts

ignore the blood of the person I denied recently and I’m perfect person to give a gift to

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anyone actually going to take lottery tho lmao

I would rather block secret PMs/alliances, if you are worried about buffs. (it is a working alternativa.)
Also they can be some other balancing here as well, like DSG going through immunity. (it was always a hated concept, but can work splendidly)
Or secret gifts.

I just having an other role with a similar concept. Never thought about giving that buff to Soldier… It should work for a 16p.

This are tested rolelist. Also I always thought Musician/Blacksmith are too high based on what they are doing.
Altough I agree blackmailer is a bit overpowered with those positions.

Nymph is a risk taking role.
I can see giving more immunities to their middle form, but their other two position are good as it is. (the only immunity I can imagine for those two are Musician/Blacksmith/other challenge modification immunity)

I will testing this concept. (but not limited to poisoner and blackmailer, you will know more, if the game happens.)

We don’t need a second Monk.
Also “leads to death” is a bit ambigous… Poisoner poison/MAA shots/Mystic bounce back áll can trigger it, but CJ should not know about those anything. CJ always taking these miniscule risks, when he does/does not entertain.

I was thinking about a way different buff for Gardener.

It worked on a few occassion… The biggest balance isssue are the roles which are dependent on each other. (thief->poisoner, soldier->Maa/poisoner, Blacksmith<->Musician, [lovers, Spirits]

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If It is based on the built in game guess mechanics without changing those It’s a 8-9

If you alternate the game mechanics for this one only It’s a 5-6

But if you completely discontent this from the guess mechanic, which means you can do this regardless if your target is taking guess immunity. (of course this won’t kill them this case.) I can see this as a working role. (also at least the bounty hunter needs to work for his next bounty and doesn’t get it immeadiatly after a succesfull bounty hunter.)
In this case, I would give it a 2. (it’s not a 1, only because it is a nightmare to host this role…)

Also this is BtM, not coup/Botc.

Please don’t try to change the game from the core, because you like coup/Botc(/any other game) better.

Or at least don’t label those games as BtM.

/dance the fox


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Imo lets all tunnel the person who slowrolls challenge phase the most

My only thing with btm is that its usually in the players interest to delay actions as late as possible (like challenges, swaps) but it is in the interest of game state health to have action in as early as possible.

To rectify this I shall be tunnelling slowrollers.