Blood on the Forums I.I - Hand of Darkness - Signups (15/15) (1/2 Travelers)

Yup, that’s me

I didn’t expect you to like things like BOTC, then again I haven’t spoke to you for ages

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Only like a day and a half and I’ve already surpassed @Intensify

S m h


I’ve liked the game for quite a while, played about maybe atleast 40 up until 70 games? Kind of had a period where I couldn’t play due to no groups, but yeah, it’s me, a lot more different than before I can tell ya

You don’t have to rub salt on the wound

Do you want an invite to our BOTC discord? It’s been around for like 6 months, it’s not the official one but we play it every now and again as well as other games
(Yes I’m advertising rn, fight me)

and dw, I’ve had over a 100 games, just ask Amelia and stuff

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this is just bullying

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Also it the

Untrusted person

If you’re wondering why I’m gonna unleash Ultra Fish Bucket on this forum

Now you know



Already in it

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/in seat 5

will read the op after work

let’s hope this goes better than my last attempt

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is he?

how tf didn’t I notice


We invited a bunch of Untrusted nerds to the server

Because :trolled:

the plague

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I’m not only an untrusted nerd, I’m also a TOL and TOS nerd lul!

I’m curious shark

Is untrusted still alive? I’m too lazy to go check

Kind of

Not that many players

Kinda, still has around 30 players playing every day, but not too active as it used to be, new updates are making the game slightly better but tbh, balance is garbo still.

Do it and fill it