BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

… I no longer believe Litten.
Which means Litten’s doing a good job of messing us around.

We have 2 outisders at most

how can you tell he’s not paying attention?

3/4 of these have something in common

that doesn’t really explain why you think he’s not paying attention to outsiders
unless I’m just braindead
but I don’t see the connection

hes not paying attention to what outsiders could be inplay
3/4 of them, town does not want to lynch

We absolutely do want to exe them…

Only 2 at max should be in play.
And that is in a fang gu game.

In which killing outsiders is not bad at all.

speaking of which, what happens when we kill the saint again?
i forgot

I know about that.
But we execute non-saints and then the demon is very limited in their jump.

mhm, speaking of which
what happens if we kill the klutz and they choose wrong again?
mhm, speaking of which, what happens if we kill the barber and it isnt a fang gu game, again?

The Klutz choosing wrong is statistically less likely and gives us good info if they choose right. Also rn is the best odds for the Klutz picking a good player if they die.

If a barber dies… the demon can swap 2 people. Big whoop? Like oh no it’s… legit not bad.

two evils will be alive at f3 and we are unaware which is og

its about
2/7 chance, right now
2/6 if they die tonight
2/5 if they get hanged tommorow

Barber: This will be the case if they die sooner too. If the Barber dies at all, its better for them to die early. The evil team doesn’t have all the info, they can’t make an optimal swap.

Klutz: So… you’re proving my point that the longer we wait, the worse the odds get.

Yet alone the fact that either of them are a fang gu jump target.

the Klutz will die today and the barber will die tommorow
that sounds great!
they should open claim right now!

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oh yeahhh
i forgot i wanted something from you
/whisper kiiruma



@Monke Atlas noms hazardwaste

you know what i hate
having to go get peoples roles myself
people are soooo secretive instead of just offering it to me on a silver platter

Nominations would’ve closed five hours ago.

i dont have any reason to doubt kiiruma or silviu
this is the most likely demon if guava is the og

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