BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

It’s a much slimmer chance Leafia.
Like it can be a thing but occam’s razor.

We still have a decent amount of time to figure this out. No need to rush, although if we found out who the OG was first that’d be nice lol.


also zone info doesn’t clear you

1 evil in guava, silviu, me
If Guava is evil, it clears Silviu and me

yes but that doesn’t clear you since we don’t know if they are evil

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Occams razor my friend.
Like otherwise we’ll find infinite things which state that surely the demon has killed nobody because we have the all powerful gossip

Ocram razor states that the demon didn’t kill a rando farmer claim

Ocram razor also states that there isn’t your role in a fang gu game

That is literally untrue.

My role is one of the more important ones in a fang gu game.
The game is meant to be solveable.

we have a noble ping and other roles which make it solvable already

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True. Very true.

you are confirming crazy
Atlas was a traveler, likely a good one
Guave/Leafia/Litten should be your POE
Guave can confirm themselves tonight by using the gossip ability, therefore you should vote within me/leadia

How would the demon have known who the Innkeeper protected?
It’s not like they sunk the kill on purpose

Okay but it’s funny and it sets you up for this exact argument

Because it tells them who their demon is
They literally don’t have to whisper you, you told them publically

If you’re telling the truth, yes, and then the demon attacked one of the innkeeper’s protections

…being gossip?
If Nuto is right about how Innkeeper works, then the demon kill didn’t get sunk into his protections because they no longer worked and he died to the demon
This means that either I’m not gossip, or you’re not Noble

How could I be malfunctioning? (genuine question)

I think it’s possible if the storytellers hate you

I think you could also be the organ grinder if you’re evil, like that’s not off the table, I just think it’s more likely a demon puts his minion into a noble ping than vice versa

Demon could have targeted a Mayor, as I’ve heard a Mayor claim floating around (in a 3), so I’m not thinking too terribly much about the target of the attack since it could have been changed

Nothing’s stopping you
Who’s my demon in that world?

Normally I would self vote but I assume that is a bad idea if you think I am Organ Grinder

This assumes I think you won’t believe me
Look at my recent past games
I literally try to kill myself and get towncleared :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:
Like thank you for not wanting to execute me atm but that’s not conclusive evidence

If there’s a demon in here I would like to push off Litten
They’re like. obvtown imo

image image

Would rather die


That’s um.
I’ve been considering that to be honest.

And if I’m good we’re back to square one on you unless some shenanigans where my role got fucked up happened or innkeeper’s protection works on the night they die
Which would only make sense if they were the gossip kill

Innkeeper acts before death



Pie is fantastic

I gossip that there is an evil within guava, Silviu and Kiiruma

Why not do a legit true statement