BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

Oh Litten broke whispers whoops x3

thatā€™s not how that role works either Kiiruma

Unless I misread it

Why cant we both be



/whisper Magnus

I have an Omori-themed BoTC idea to share with you

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You did :angel:


Kiiruma can you re read my last sentence i said to you in whispers

hazard is officially not confirmed evil
not confirmed good
but not confirmed evil either



Iā€™ve read it.


/whisper silviu


*checks role list*
Ah, yeah. Thereā€™s that too.

Ya, so basically what I said.

I can confirm this. Weā€™re all Legion masons. The three of us.

I lowkey believe Zone here.

Lots of whispering going on but I doubt it means much.

/Whisper Litten

Letā€™s do a 3 for 3.


Litten is probably a townsfolk.

Sure. Iā€™ll help you Litten.

/Nominate Silviu.

Ended the whisper with him a bit early but it doesnā€™t matter much.

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