Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

5 slankers, welp gotta exe them all

Am I the only one somewhat worried about why atlas was asking for neuts to out :weary:

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Probably, seeing as you’re the only one bringing it up.

Exe’ing Gorta is almost always going to be a 0 info exe if they continue to tree.
So I don’t understand why we’d not do it sooner rather than later.
Is it better to keep them alive for when we need town votes late game?

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Lets see if they show up for starters. Sound good?

he’s prob ne/scum himself imo

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Sure. Also if Gorta ends up being evil anyway I’m claiming their pelt.
It’s not easy to get a pelt off from skinning a tree.
But I guess I’d have to try or else I’d be bite with no bark


Probably, considering the NE gets added to the scumchat if they get targetted for conversion it’s entirely possible they’re either fishing for the NE or are the NE themselves

probably the jester one if any of them tbh

CRich talking extensively about his confusion on gorta being voted still looks less questionable and less forced, considering he still believes it

I mean, they are still NE and we still have to kill them at some point.

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Speaking from experience, I would have to disagree that SoD votes are useless.



/vote Kiiruma

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theyre useless until we get flips

You want neutral evil to live?
