Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

Triple 6 is Man’s number thrice.

gorta will tear his leaves out

Apparently cloned got greencheck so ironically no

Careful, trees can be dangerous too.

good chance that’s the luminary or we’re fucked lol


the chances of town being able to win without my help are incredibly small

I hear Aelin greenchecked them? I don’t know where that came from if not

Ugh 3 minutes. Stay on Sand or vote out Cloned.

Aelin did not greencheck cloned

Well either way I’m voting them out so idc

I did not greencheck cloned, no

I’ll make sure that if Sand is tied, that my vote will be a tie breaker.

You’d need 2 people to vote in 4/3 minutes to over-ride my decision

wait why the fuck were you voting them if you thought i greenchecked them what

Oh you didn’t? OK then.

I didn’t think you greenchecked them until 10 minutes ago I didn’t hear anything about a greencheck

… this is Sand + Jarek?

Can that even be a thing

I really really hope not.