Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win


I guess my read on you was correct I just misread it as being evil instead of what I read you as

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I don’t believe you for a second.

Anyway @Atlas
wdym good social I’m trash at both

you should ask mods to do something about that if you feel so strongly about it, being picked on isn’t fun tbqh

That’s an oof

I won’t blame you jarek, mech misplace will happen in this slot alot

But uh

Eli bud, pal

That atlas kill made no fucking sense

Feedback wiki


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I hate auto correct fml

can confirm

Doing that now.

Gorta got policy pushed hard out the gate

I was not allowed to be busy and people still kept calling me scum after I flipped

ATNo got wrecked for being himself

Amelia was just treated as openwolfing for half the game

Jarek was getting ran around for his claim

et cetera

I’m still sorry about that.
It did kinda tell me you were town though even if at the time I was heated and refused to really say ‘This is town’ instead I kept trying to say ‘This could be scum’ as I thought I’d look scummy if I backtracked too easily…

But after that I didn’t really fall back on you.

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1x Marquess
1x Spy
1x Paladin
1x Shaman
2x Guildmaster
2x Fortuneteller
2x Squire
3x Prophet

1x Luminary
1x Assassin

1x Trickster

1x Strigoi

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Should have killed the people that were doing that because literally all of them were evil

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Also there was cloned too so like

You were, sadly, not anomalous in this game

And that’s definitely a large factor in why the town lost

IIRC Capy was trying to throw shade on my claim aelin was doing it and sand was doing it too

cloned was in there but they’re the exception that proves the rule

I was busy as well

Like, 4 days of work, two essays and a quiz busy

you don’t have to leave the site just because you are getting hardcore picked on


Orginally FoL had 15 people, later 16.
Now we it’s 17.

We are increasing town amount.

Which in effect meant that despite town misslynching at every point.
Despite me pulling out 3 bonus kills which were not acounted for.

Town still had a fighting chance in the end.

This, plus some of abilities being basicly useless at this amount of players.
Bleeds? With how many protectives?
There is no reason to even redirect heals, if I can just bypass them with passive.

I believe currently setup is townsided.

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Despite the fact I claimed exactly to ensure that a GK was as proven as possible

tbf it had 15 for like a month

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