Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

also @litten @vulgard it was absolutely hilarious to see you panicking trying to not accidentally nightkill the lost wolf at the same time that atlas was plotting how to killbait


oh, and in the future
players, please be nicer to your hosts
there was some posts during the game that wouldve been extremely demoralizing and not a nice thing to say about anything someone put clear time and effort into, even if you disagree with it
if you want to deliver criticism to the end product, please wait until you get everything and be constructive about it; don’t break Chesterton’s Fence


it wasn’t a lie
there were exactly 17 imperials this game
not all imperials were town and not all ancients were mafia
that’s the kind of thing you would actually be prepared for going into an explicit bastard game :joy_cat:


Deconstruction of the OP

There are exactly 17 Imperialists at the start of the game.
All others are Ancient Spirits.

True. There were 16 player character Imperialists, plus Cassandra. The Ancient Spirits were Tisiphone, Vi, Alyx, Meredith, Adrian, Phoebus, Perse, and Luna.

All Imperialists win if and only if all Ancient Spirits are banished.

False. Review Chapter 0’s flavor to find the clues that lead you to her secret.

Players have no abilities while dead, unless explicitly stated. Any ongoing effects due to a players’ abilities will cease when they die.
Roleblocked gated abilities will not be refunded.
No unassigned abilities exist.


All players know their win conditions.

False. Tisiphone received a fake win condition (that was identical to their real one, but still). Magnus, having access to Crecerelle’s and Tisiphone’s flavor blurbs, was in the prime space to deduce that they were being possessed unwittingly by an Ancient Spirit. Furthermore, the pure amount of “useless” bells and whistles on their flipped rolecard should’ve tipped people off that there was something really funky going on with their role.

Your rolecard will not overtly lie to you.

False. See Tisiphone’s discussion above. However, it’s worth noting that Magnus’ abilities were entirely truthful, although vague, once they came to the correct conclusion that they were the only “dreamer” in the game.

Win conditions cannot change after the game has begun.


Players will flip correctly.

False, but the only source of flip tailoring was a town role.

Investigative results will return correctly.

False. To clue in that being anticlaimed can screw up results: avid pokemon fans may notice that Luna’s profile picture is a Zorua, a fox Pokemon that is famous for its illusions. Luna is a nickname for Lunacy, which is her “official nickname” (and also provides a hint to her nature).


ive been trying to do this but i’ve gotten lost along the way

i don’t think i want to give up yet, though


ok i saw this and went to night zero forgetting chapter zero was a differnet game but

i have decided that this is the clue to the secret


Yes, the one I posted the picture of 13 ISO

Altemis :moyai:

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I don’t have the town POV here but I found the setup very fun and cool

Would play again (though it being open now would kinda ruin it)


Also, one more funni

I knew that the game was going to feature complex roles, it said as much

However, when I entered my role PM and had to scroll to read the whole thing, I knew I was in for quite the game :joy_cat:

Not to mention I had two hidden abilities that I never unlocked, for a total of seven


After the smoke clears you guys did an amazing job! i will be prepared next time XD.

Acheron will get the anti claim hit he deserved! i swear to god!


But evil team i think made that game hard. not the characters. evil did a fucking amazing job throwing the blame on others and removing blame from their own. i think town as a whole got a bit distracted via their claims and kiiruma’s claim and i think it was gonna take a miracle to get them back after the second day. so GG and a half for the evil team honestly


I was a town member who claimed so town would try and realise we needed to work together :sob:
The fact it distracted town was rough


I feel so bad for you
you were set up to fail


Hey, I made multiple right moves this game in the end, which would’ve been useful.
But now I know what to expect.

Next time instead of actually claiming so much, I’ll just try and steer people to “Look at the wincons people, for goodness sake.”

It was more like in BotC games, you get false feedback from your own abilities and have to figure out who it’s from

I kept telling people to consider your and Magnus’s wincons, that’s literally all I needed to see to understand it was a town multiball

Plus as Artemis said, play it like a story! The best plot mechanic is to make two opposing factions realize they can work together against a common enemy. I really didn’t think it took that much brainpower to figure it out, but half the town either wasn’t reading or didn’t believe us. :sweat_smile:

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i’m too lazy to look for her secret but i realized our flavor shared last names and that makes it funny that i kept trying to shoot atlas


i don’t think realizing it was town multiball was even necessary to solving the game? i assumed it was one town faction with a couple exceptions and that was ~basically the same effect


I mostly meant it was necessary to understand that the Empire did not need to kill every single Ancient Spirit. Or at least, not indiscriminately ^^ There would’ve been a certain order to it (plus the LW who was Empire).