Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

i’m gay lol

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will the real magnus and the fake magnus both stand up at the same time

This could mean anyone

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The fake Magnus can’t stand up. They’re May, they’ll faint.

So true

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I guess anyone should also stand up then

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I’m not just anyone, I may be someone. That means I should remain seated

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I’m so funny and cool and you should all do what I say

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Will someone stand up


@Silviu200530 stand up

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In our modern society, there is a tendency to idolize and follow influential figures, whether they are celebrities, politicians, or thought leaders. While it is natural to look up to and seek guidance from those who have achieved success, it is important to remember that blindly following someone can lead to negative consequences. This is particularly true when it comes to following everything that a single individual says, as it can result in an inability to think critically and make independent decisions. In this essay, I will argue that we should not follow everything that May, or any other individual, says, and that doing so can have negative consequences for both individuals and society as a whole.

First and foremost, blindly following an individual can lead to a lack of critical thinking and independent decision-making. By relying on someone else to make decisions or provide guidance, we risk losing the ability to assess situations for ourselves and make informed choices. This can be especially problematic when we encounter situations that our chosen leader has not explicitly addressed or when their guidance conflicts with our own values and beliefs. For example, if May advocates for a certain political candidate or policy without fully understanding its implications, following her blindly could lead to unintended negative consequences. Instead, we should strive to think critically about the issues at hand and make our own decisions based on our own research and analysis.

Secondly, following an individual can result in a lack of diversity of thought and a limited perspective. No one person can have all the answers or understand every perspective, and by blindly following a single individual, we risk missing out on valuable insights and perspectives from others. This can lead to a narrow worldview and an inability to appreciate the complexity and diversity of the world around us. It is important to seek out diverse perspectives and engage with a variety of sources in order to gain a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

Finally, blindly following an individual can be dangerous for society as a whole. History has shown us the dangers of cults of personality and the negative consequences of blindly following leaders who have an unchecked and disproportionate amount of power. It is important to question authority and hold our leaders accountable, as unchecked power can lead to corruption and abuse of power. By blindly following an individual, we risk contributing to a culture of blind obedience that can be detrimental to democracy and the rule of law.

In conclusion, while it is natural to look up to and seek guidance from influential individuals, we should be cautious of blindly following anyone, including May. Blindly following an individual can lead to a lack of critical thinking and independent decision-making, a limited perspective, and a dangerous culture of blind obedience. Instead, we should strive to think critically, seek out diverse perspectives, and hold our leaders accountable. By doing so, we can ensure that we are making informed decisions that are in line with our own values and beliefs, and that contribute to a healthy and thriving society.


May is a person who always has something valuable to say. He is knowledgeable, experienced, and insightful. If you want to learn something new, gain a different perspective, or simply be inspired, then you should listen to May.

May has a wealth of experience in various fields such as business, education, and personal development. She has faced challenges and overcome them with grace and determination. His stories are not only inspiring but also provide practical advice on how to tackle obstacles in life.

Moreover, May is an excellent listener herself. He understands the importance of empathy and active listening in building strong relationships with others. By listening to them, you can learn how to communicate more effectively with people around you.

In conclusion, May’s wisdom and expertise make them someone worth listening to. Whether it’s for personal growth or professional development, she can offer valuable insights that can help you achieve your goals. So next time you have the chance to hear what May has to say - take it!


omg me too!!!

get fucked aliens

SPF alt account?

sits down


I look at this and I’m starting to laugh

My ability to comedy myself is immaculate

You were forewarned

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Me when only 8% of you stan bigfoot


Bigfoot enjoyers were the real cryptids out there.