what the fuck they have a regular BG that isn’t called BG while the actual BG role is an elite BG
bouncer is actually just a regular BG what the fuck
also you have crusader which is a cardinal sin but ignore that
…really? bouncer is the one that gets motion detector information for some reason right
having read the role doc is there anything that makes archer not just a worse vigilante
!remindme 1 month
if you misfire so badly you crosskill with mafia/coven you take a W
why is veteran on here
i have a nda ill tell you later
Luka resigned it’s Alex hosting finals now
somehow its not even the worst designed role on there archer makes me want to cry so bad
cant wait for the Discord Terms of Service championship
cdeez nuts lol
opps wont see whats comin
the first time i saw this thread i thought it was a championship about breaking the discord terms of service