FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

/vote Outedwolf


Oh good. I didn’t expect to be spewed unpartnered with Marl, though I’ll take it.

sometimes I think the world is inherently bad but then I remember cats exist
such silly lil guys. doin silly lil things. how could life be sufferin when those lil dudes are just existing


I had a similar thought about wolves too but I lost it




yes he’s ladd

good post.

Fair you can elaberate on the bottom part when you see fit (or it becomes needed)

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Inhabitants of Fortress of Lies, this is Judge outedwolf.

In case you people have forgotten, this game operates under the same rules as the rest of the forum. Marluxion is not the law… I am the law. Marluxion is a common criminal; guilty of murder, guilty of the manufacture and distribution of the narcotic known as Wolf-o, and as of now under sentence of death. Any who obstruct me in carrying out my duty will be treated as an accessory to his crimes… you have been warned. And as for you Marluxion… Judgement Time.

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ladd if he was both a wolf and also wearing cyclops’ visor


speak of the devil and he shall appear

I’m still not mentally awake
I read some stuff but don’t have particularly strong thoughts lol

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visor how did you arrive at crich town there

I also think CRich is town

why the heck am i getting yelled at for saying italy probably v from postcount when this exists :joy_cat:

you’ve been infected

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I watched him play on mu a while back and I remember when he was a villager he would state the obvious a lot as if it was an important conclusion

(I don’t mean this to be a bad thing, just that a lot of the time the obvious goes unsaid in ww games)

I saw him get a bunch of heat early in the game which doesnt surprise me in general but I kept an eye on his posting and he didn’t seem phased by it, and just kept trucking in his own way

(I thought his post about me looking good if taffy flipped wolf was like peak obviousness)

I’d probably wolfread it if it was someone else but having some experience with his game and the way he thinks about things I think that stuff is villagery for him

Chloe’s approach to Marl is towny. She called out Marl for making the atrocious post on clearing Italy and Arctic by volume, which makes no sense if Marl were town. I would expect town!Marl to have more nuanced reads, not that cleared by volume atrocity from earlier.

Probably because you named two players and not one :joy_cat:

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