Poor Approximations of Catgirls - Thread 1


Am pupper

Oh, and I don’t know this bub, either ^

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Bork bork

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i really want some actually explained min townreads at this point because to me he’s a hard null aorn and i’d like to hear some actual input

oh, ok i guess :joy_cat:

legit think this is wolfy because i think katze has been villagery and while this is obviously a joke i feel like it’s an opportunistic one / one designed to look towny

this is one of those reads i’m going to catch immense flak for but it’ll later turn out to have been correct after i walk away from it

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The only chance most people have of playing with me apart from on these forums was in an MU teamgame that happened like over a year ago now or something so I doubt most people have

Also, small question while I was going through who I wanted to vote, who is Kyubey?

Ahhh, okay. Either way, nice to meet you. :D I swear I’m nicer and friendlier than most people will tell you. <3

oh illwei is doing that too

which makes you think what…?

from illwei i don’t actually think it’s that wolfy just because it’s illwei but i maintain the millium read


why is it not wolfy from Illwei?

because i think it’s not ai for illwei but might be ai for millium/wisp
based off my experience with how they play and who they are as people

can you elaborate on what about them as people makes you think townwei would do that and townillium wouldn’t

Nice to meet you too, you seem pretty nice to me if that makes you feel better

Although, question for everyone, does anyone know Kyubey from a different website or anything as I’m very suspicious about their slot for some pretty obvious reasons

i think wolf wisp is opportunistic and this jokey shade on katze fits the bill whereas illwei shades everyone as town so it’s nai

ok cool I buy that this is a real thought from you

they are an alt or a game mechanic

I’m assuming game mechanic atm, that’s why I’m asking

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Kyu is a host-run account that’s a Slank vigilante - they compulsively shoot the lowest posting player but can be blocked, tracked etc. they count towards wolf parity.