FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

I also think he is wolfy yeah

Reads feel agendaed and his approach to me is awk

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sick x-post

It is a killing role. So no insta-win one.
It’s just named like this.

Role name is thing which comes after alignment. I had trouble to understand it at first too.
But basically its [alignment] lying darkness.
With abilities able to kill.


I think one of them was strongmaned, if not both.
Like… I don’t think there is only one source of protection. And even if there is, mafia wouldn’t have any way to know it. Or watchers.
Attacks there were too risky to be straightforward made without much information? I think?


I think this is the entire progression


This is

Pretty yikes actually


That’s quite intriguing.

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for the last 5 minutes i was using proph’s pfp as a bowling ball on this site
jesus fuck

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And seriously, make sure people don’t shoot me. Or at least wait for later sessions.
It’s 4am here and I need to finally go to sleep.

not actually 5 minutes but
i spent more than 10 esconds on it and it’s so much fun

Now you have me doing it.

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oh, i thought you meant Italy said that someone else was pocketing Sulit. I would’ve found that even townier tbh. This one? Sure, slightly rand to be V maybe.

Hmm I should take a good look at this. I don’t get the vibe that they are squabbling in thread, which is a little concerning oddly enough.

Am I crazy does that not look super w/w lol

Idk liked italy on the surface but


Okay I mentioned this earlier but-

Anyone have a read on Maxi? I know they only 7 posted yesterday but 1 of them was just asking me if I was town/mafia and then they sus’d Luxy for going after LHF, which one of them was me, and I’m pretty sure Luxy didn’t actually out a scumread or shade one me ever?

i think it’s bit awkward, but mostly from sulit’s side, and could easily be W!sulit referring to italy’s comment about pocketing and running with it


Actually I should say 2 of them were asking me if I was mafia or town but still.

I haven’t seen Italy roll wolf in a while but I can say they made similar comments to villagers and wolves like that so I don’t think its partiuclarly indicative of them being w/w
I remember thinking Italy was town before, i’ll go recheck their posts to confirm this

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