FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

Don’t remember why I think it was smn to do with Sulit and how one of them treated the other


Basically my current expanded PoE. Most wolves if not all should be here, tbh.

  • Nut/Nanook don’t seem to be aligned as I said in my notes.

  • Ashlyn wanted to shoot Solic doesn’t really feel like it was partnery since wolves don’t really shoot partners like, plus there’s no point in asking permission if you plan to bus as so I don’t think those to are partnered.

  • GGhana/Cape kind of look unaligned, but I’m not as certain in this pairing as the previous ones.

  • Currently have a secret read that I’ll put in my logs being that it’s being developed irt 2-3 players here, so yeah.


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oh just noticed they claimed slank vig. i guess i dont wanna kill that just in case. if they shoot a towny low-poster next (if they exist i havent looked at postcounts) we kill em tho

Why did you even shoot Chloe?

Event is over. Prizes will be sent out shortly. Enjoy the following meme submitted by spec chat that made both of us cackle:



i would just like to point out a few Fun GGhana facts

In February I played a game on this hellsite called Popcorn Mafia

It sucked so much I vowed to change my village meta permanently and become a slanker instead

I played around 10 or so games on alts on various sites, and now for the past few games I’ve played on my main with this new meta

On this first game on this site, I played on an alt, nobody could read my posts and nobody thought I was seriously pushing anyone (despite me very obviously doing so) and when I revealed myself people scumread me because I didn’t post enough, i died day 2 as a villager

On mafia universe I played in Twice’s game, Alexa and arctic both thought that I wasn’t pushing people hard enough and that I wasn’t being sincere enough (I only posted around 100 times) I died day 2 as a villager

In mountainous ITAs nobody knew how to read me, and Hally said that they couldn’t read me because I was acting so different, I died day 2 as a villager

I would just like to point out that if you go with this logic that this will be the fourth game where people who know who I am kill me day 2 as a villager

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just pointing this out for the peanut gallery before I cyberbully you post game

ill be honest

why didnt you shoot me over chloe there if thats the case

cause even i think i was the better shot there then Chleb, unless you really didnt like something about the slot

Oh also

Luxy I think is just town

why should i

the only positive of this is that I get to bully katze for not saying people only townread me because they were delusional enough to think I had a post count tell

cape pls i don’t know how else to play the video game

A classic

lets go

oh okay so drinks is leaning towards mafia for me still

good to know my worldview at the end of day 1 isn’t all that bad

the only time I have ever lived to end game or even past mid game in the last 6 fucking months is when I’m a wolf

again did u kno?

Can anyone confirm any of this

think Nut is V regardless of Nooks alignment.

Litten is V.

Think molly is V.

im leaning ruby slight V but wouldnt bet game on it.

think ashlyn is light V from the post i just brought from Dem iso but also wouldnt bet on it.

Explain why Ranta/Maxi/Luxy are V (i’d appreciate Gorta explanation too actually even though ive seen others call them V)


Honestly relatable

arctic can (he can also confirm I bullied him to death for it)

first game is trials and tribulations on here (I was maria-Theresa