FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

yeah Ruby is still sus to me, Feels like they have had stilted posts

Sounds like a read I would make as wolf

Not exactly bad, but this does feel a bit formal, applying to both

This is a thing that was said I guess. I don’t know how to describe it but it feels like wolf awkwardly responding to town

I’m @Ruby for visibility

(I know it isn’t much, it’s early)

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Personally wouldnt make that call just off this post

is that the only reason?

fast meaning wolfy endorsed?
like 7 votes in a 50+ player game isn’t exactly what gives me alarm bells like that tbh

they’re not that new

but i get it

don’t think it changes much for me though

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Fine u can be town


bad post friend

your first post is ultimately meaningless unless you can describe the importance of how she’s acting

how would you act as a wolf in that instance

second if you don’t think it’s bad why are you mentioning it lol

third post is a nothingburger

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You know

just for the absolute meme

we should try to have atleast 30 to 40 people all voting one individual tbh


chloe would I be banned if I posted the instructions on making methamphetamine to the fortress of lies


Hell yeah I’m down

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I can agree with this.

no the Virgin Mary spoke to me and gave me a vision

I spoke in tongues, feeling my brain matter melt down my chest as I saw the truth

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yes because math is for chumps

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damn the period means business ig
maybe MU will appreciate my genius


Okay but would she be banned

do u mean meth

i know what I said