FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

How many posts you need to vote.
Imo if you missed RVS, you shouldn’t vote in your early posts.

that’s a lie but i can spell bourgeoisie off the top of my head


So, it was for nought

VOTE: Daeron

i’m sorry but british isn’t a real language

this is not gorta btw

Your the only one who gets me

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anti - gorta?

I’m realizing that an_gorta_slanktai needs to stay below gorta’s postcount for the entire game, or else it won’t be an accurate impression. At least while they are both alive.


It was the worst thing I’ve ever been forced to read min

gm jaiden
do you have a read on may? just read their iso and no thoughts


surprisingly gorta has tapped into his hidden potential and has now posted more than i have

which doesn’t really say much

but he’s doing it

Hippo should proooobably be in people’s townreads for this? Several people I read town mindmelded with this.

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Pls kill me

nah they weren’t afk

this is what they said when people were saying marl