🏆 FoL Awards 2022 - Nominations Thread


Role/Mechanic are combined into one award because some years there isn’t really any interesting and novel mechanic that isn’t tied in some way to a role


If by the middle of the year, we have 3 solid mechanics that would fit the bill, would you consider a split?


sure, although I would have to discuss whether to actually split it with the other mods

Oh no, mechanic is for example “dice rolling” from Dicey Dungeons.
Many roles did that.

If a mechanic is tied to one role, it’s a role thing.
If it’s tied to many players, it’s a mechanic thing.

Pretty much that is what I meant


Speaking of.

From Dicey Dungeon I nominate:

  1. Copycat as best role
    While I know that setup didn’t exactly allow it to shine, I’m still considering it one of simpler, yet at the same time well connected to the game role.
    And most importantly - it scales nicely with player ability. Something which most of classic mafia roles don’t do at all.
    I honestly don’t expect it to win, becouse it’s not shiny and flashing role.
    But that’s actually what makes me nominate it.
    Cause it is interacting with setup in many interseting ways, being both a bit chalanging to player to use… while also remaining the role simplicity.
    That’s a hard to achieve thing, you know?

And that’s probably all for DD.
@Litten you barely missed the nomination mark. You know what parts you omitted, which gave you some problems later on.

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Nominate Nightingale for BotF XII’s art (in the flavour category), if that’s valid. The art was really pretty and added flavour to the characters we were playing in BotF rather than just… y’know… BotC characters. Made it unique to all other BotFs


i already did that :wowee:


i second this (if i am legally allowed to)

if you made the role you aren’t allowed to


You are probably not, considering I’m literally nominating your role.

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i’ll second it
why not

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Nominate @orangeandblack5 for Community MVP

Along with Chloe (who isn’t eligible), orange has been one of the main people doing Tech Stuff for the new site, which is necessary in order for the site to exist.



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I wonder if we’ll have a Most Reformed Player award this year.

The list of awards categories can be found in the OP

Maybe I might get Most Enjoyable Player award if I’ve reformed enough.

I would like to nominate @Kiiruma for Best Scum Performance - Single Player (small game) in Diamond Arc Crossing.

Not only did he hard carry his team by deepwolfing and riding on an assumed mechanical (mis)clear all the way to MyLo, but he went to great lengths to submit articles on their behalf so that they would have night actions in addition to his own. He didn’t give up even in the endgame and tried his best to convince the town he wasn’t the last wolf.




I second this (the rule is that if any suggestion about anything is seconded in this thread, it has to happen right?)

We need a few more fun awards