@Chloe @Cape90 @InsanityUwU @Marluna approx 1 day remaining btw
Yessir we will get votes in once i’m home o7
Dude i can come up with good songs for every cat except this one im gunna cry
Ohny fucking god i opened this in lab and EVERYONE could hear it thru my headphones
You are sooooooo dead to me
total ybw death
You’re gonna be hollering that song when Chloe’s done with you.
if this doesn’t represent harmony and understanding and cooperation then idk what does
i forgot to plug in my headphones and almost blasted this to my whole family. luckily my yt volume was almost on mute
I have no happy friendship harmony songs smh
I give up
i gave u a suggestion why not just submit that???
Ngl i feel so defeated i just might
Do you want me to postpone the round deadline?
Nah we’ll come up with something, but I appreciate it