FoL Music League

yayy my song got 3rd


I was focusing a lot more on the nostalgia apart esp since pollyanna is about holding the same beliefs you have of good nature in the wirld even if its childish

Summer Night City is pretty good and it also feels very different from most other ABBA songs. It feels like it’s from another universe or maybe dream?

If you hated it then you agree with half of ABBA don’t worry

tuna passing anthem

nbow & jenna forgetting about this round and me ending exactly tied with them is proof that i have plot armor


“why can’t i win in music league it’s so frustrating”

have you tried subbing IN MY MOUTH by black dresses


I’ve been so busy and Jenna checked out of it mentally lol


Is there new league ?

Not yet i believe, i also dont know if people decided whether we want to split up into 2 leagues or not


We’ll probably figure all this out once FAM ends.

Ok, two orders of business.

First, the Divergence. Do we want to do it, and if so, how do we split people, and how can new people join?

Second, the League creators. Garfooled mentioned wanting to do the next Music League, so that’s set in stone, but if we go through with the Divergence, we need a second person to create the other Music League. I’m fine with taking it up in the absence of interest, but I’ve run a Music League already, and fresh faces are always welcome.


Honestly i dont know how id feel about splitting anymore just bc i feel like while it makes the playlists shorter (which is nice) it splits an already fairly small userbase (and complicates joining if new)


fwiw im dropping out of the next one regardless of split or not
might join again in a future one


Understandable, but still a bit of a bummer.
Let’s hold off on splitting up the Music League. That said, we should increase the number of votes each person gets given the larger number of songs (I’d suggest going from 10 to 12).
@Garfooled, you up for the Music League creation?

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Yeah, for sure!!

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how many did we have last league?
i have 20 player on right now

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we had 17
should we have max 20?

I hope the categories aren’t too boring:
@pandora new league


20’s fine; we had 17-18 last time, and we’ve had a few people drop out since then.

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