I don’t. I would rather just die than waste my ability.

Hi bender, it’s nice to meet you?


I hate you

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If Kiiruma or Sylveon are wolfs they deserve to win

It’s confirm u sort of too cus I didn’t say what my role name is

And u would know it

logkeepers are traditionally not wolf roles as their #1 gimmick is that the log mechanic is bound to them

also the implications of creating a mafia role that explicitly punishes town for the fact that the wolf died

I’m at least not mafia killing, unless I’m teamed with Guava

I knew they weren’t a visiting role

I don’t fking know how that works though… There’s a factional kill I suppose? And it transfers over?

Based on this assumption at least, then Guava is not the killer

what is your ability i’ve been busy as of late

Does it though? We get all the info at once that’s being hidden by your role. I could see it being a wolf role easy.

Basically Jarek but town. I loudly scream about the first person to visit me.

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No. Kiiruma’s execution has te highest chance of doing that. We’re not executing him today. If he’s a wolf, he never survives long and if he’s a villager, executing him will help the wolves tremendously.

You should try doing just that.

Start using your brain and think.

I wasn’t the one who suggested that you were trying to see what sticks.

Which is why I plan to check you tonight but if we misexe t!Kiiruma, then scum will kill me tonight and I can’t clear you. However, if I die and Kiiruma can’t tell everyone who killed me, then kill him with fire, because he’ll be an outed wolf at that point. Also, if he survives for more than a night or two more, kill him with fire as well, because if he’s a villager, the wolves can’t afford to keep him alive for much longer.

Don’t just consider it. Do it.

You do realize that Frost was a backup until he inherited Zorvo’s passive, right?

He was joking.

If Italy is a villager, executing him will give us Achro’s updated will so we can see what he thinks of today’s developments. We’ll also get Zorvo’s will as well. There’s also the fact that Jarek got annoyed by Hazard’s, I think it was, townread on Jake, and it seems really weird for a wolf to be annoyed that another wolf is getting townread so it felt like a wolf trying to undermine a villager getting a townread to me. There’s also

This joke of his. I think it shows that he’s feeling very relaxed and easygoing right now which is the exact opposite of how I think a wolf would be feeling right now.

Just sheep me then. We’re not executing Kiiruma today. If he’s a villager, that’s the only way that gives the wolves a chance to win.

I’ll be checking Neon, but if we execute Kiiruma and he’s a villager, I will be the night kill and no matter we’d hat, we can’t afford to take that chance yet.

Look at EoD 2 and how it went.

No one is calling Kiiruma untouchable.

We want Hazard proven.

If Garfooled was scum, Jarek never would’ve went over.

Your vote is currently on Kiiruma.

Ummm, getting to see the wills of dead villagers is the exact opposite of punishing town.

Now to get something to eat after washing the dishes. :sleepingleafeon:


I’m aware

Before I go though, why haven’t you changed it yet then? :sleepingleafeon:


U wouldnt have to check Neon if they use their ability and I visit them

Then I would clear their suspicions of me, and we would both clear each other.

If Neon doesn’t stop pushing Kiimura, u basically should take that as a confession imo.

It wouldn’t completely clear them though and you’re already cleared. Not completely against a Neon exe though. :sleepingleafeon: