Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

For the record I still ahve autocorrect off and have had it off this entire time

Idea: imagine if Tutuu was Jester.


Your wrist HAS healed.

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you liar! i trusted you!


It hurts surprisingly little considering how much slapping of tables went on there.

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Event: The Mole

Rules of the Mole

  1. One, and only one player, did not get The Waiver.
  2. It is the goal of the other 11 players to find The Mole
  3. Every day 7 PM EST you all will be given a list of 10 questions, including the mole. These questions will ask questions about the identity of the Mole using public knowledge from the forum of lies about the mole, this game, etc. If I were the mole, and I asked “What letter does the mole’s name start with?” it would be A or “How many losses does this player have this year on fol?” it would be 0. Yes, I was contractually obligated to sneak that in. Yes, I also wrote the contract. No, there isn’t actually a contract I just find it amusing I am now 14-0 going for 15-0 “soon” and this flavor is so insanely over the top self-parody that I giggle as I write.
  4. By SOD2 everyone’s 10 questions are due. The 2 people who score the least amount of correct questions will be eliminated from winning The Prize. The Mole will be given a fake number of correct questions. Scores will be made Public, although no one knows which questions they got right or wrong.
  5. Every day before EOD the Mole may submit a list of 2 things about themselves that answer a question on the list. One is a lie. One is not.
  6. You can guess the identity of the Mole 3 total times. The first failure means you cannot nominate the next day. The second means you cannot vote the next day. The Third is your immediate death. So yes, this is not a no-death event for all those who whined during FAM. Let there be blood if our would-be detectives are more day 1 Zorvo tunneling me for no reason than Zirbo the Shadow GOAT. Love ya Zorvo but srsly.
  7. By the End of Day 6 either everyone will be eliminated from the competition and the Mole has won, or someone will have found the Mole successfully.
  8. You may freely discuss all public information, including the questions in topic. It serves no benefit to share your own answers to these questions although you are free to.
  9. Any mention, discussion, hinting, cute and “clever” way of telling others what guesses you have had for the Mole is strictly prohibited and will result in a player death. Loophole Master Achromatic doesn’t mess around. It is important to keep in mind also the Mole can ask for the punishments for the first wrong guess and the second wrong guess at any time from the hosts in order to simulate being a part of the collective.

The Prize? Being me, Achromatic on FOL as I have been this year, for one singular beautiful moment before the vast emptiness of the Infinite Void swallows you up. You gain the following passive in your rolecard when you win:

**Winning - Because that’s all I do. Is I win. Don’t bring up Wavelength. The man said Lego. That’s not my fault. My team got my clue exactly right. 4 points. That’s Winning! **

The winner of this event, therefore, will win no matter what else happens in this game. If their faction loses to the other, they win. If the Jester wins, they win. If their faction wins the flavor will tell of how they were the heroic leader of a bunch of nobodies and did the heavy lifting to carry them to victory so they win harder than everyone else who won because


Since rhis message, I mean. Had it on before then

I was Pit Hagged into a duplicate Game-losing Jester. I am the Saint.

thats a lie cause i am the pithag. and i didnt do that

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Day 1 questions:

  1. What year did the Mole register to this website?
  2. What letter does The Mole’s name begin with?
  3. What are the Mole’s preferred listed pronouns?
  4. What was the last game the Mole played in before this one? (completed games only)
  5. How many posts did the Mole finish with before Night 1?
  6. Does the Mole’s PFP have more than 50% black in it?
  7. Was the Mole nominated Day 1?
  8. Did the Mole get a Wish Granted as per post 4 of this topic
  9. Did the Mole win a prize day 1?
  10. Is the Mole Dead?

This will be due by SOD2. Good luck!

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There’s an Amnesiac in-play.

Hazard totally received a waiver and said this anyway, right?

I’m going to be honest I thought I was rhe mole until literallt just now

I forgor about the waiver

@Zorvo appears out of nowhere and challenges @beancat to a RAP BATTLE.

@Zorvo as you are the attacking faction, you go first.


what is that supposed to mean?

Let’s see.

I was RT’ing people for the first half of the day about it lol.


I’m the least reactiontestable guy in the world on account of I don’t remember most things

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Don’t ask how I have a perfect memory it’s different

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