Mafia: Trials and Tribulations [Thread 2] - Day 7 (4/17) - Mafia Win!

They can’t see factional kill.

So that’s why its hard to prove Wisdom is the attacker.

That’s the point
They only see actions
Therefore it’s not the passive that allowed them to see a watch, it was wisdom’s action

I have to quote on prohy’s ability.

Isn’t that like Eliza’s ability in some merit, that requires to be upgraded to able and see factional kill next time?

their upgraded ability was literally just a tracker

Yeah, including everything whoever the target is visiting.

Sadge that Prophy died.

proph ability was the most useful itg by far why did he have to get it

So what are you going to do now, Italy?

The probability that Lucky is wolf or the possibility that Chloe is deepwolf?

Day 5 Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Italy Wisdom, Lucky 3/5
CRichardFortressLies Marluxion, Frostwolf103 2/5
Lucky Litten, Millium 2/5
Not Voting Italy, ElizaThePsycho, CRichardFortressLies 3


my phone may die it’s on four


okay so pull up the menu and hit “maximum power saving”

it’ll turn a single percent of battery life into 20 minutes


There won’t be quickhammer, but you’re free to choose.

i have no fucking clue at this point

I still think lucky is the best lynch here
but there’s a really big chance that Italy just goes over here anyway, even though they have the least amount of potential w/w with regards to the living players that aren’t cleared imo

seth is essentially an infolynch while crichard would be deepwolf hunting (and therefore riskier)

The reason that I didn’t vote Leafia because the wagon is too easy.

I search for the most unlikely.