Minority Rule Royale 3 - gg no re

That doesn’t show percentages

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Someone join me in murder

I just remembered that I outted out of this for no reason

Why am I here?
I dont remember

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I would say that everyone should go to Luck that way

  1. Tangerine
  2. We can put the entire game to chance
    But then I miss the chance to go to Secrecy :pensive:

speed this one up bois

It takes a village to raze a village

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Do it

That way the survivor of luck + the one person who didn’t go can have a showdown

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Because there’s always gotta be one

or just win together cuz both win at F2

It’d be a lucky survivor vs every coward who didn’t pick luck, which I fully anticipate to be more than one person


Wait no the luck player would win because that’d be a tie

or maybe it just ends based on tangerines

Go and do it
I’m rooting for you!

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it would be really funny


Always play for the funny value, you say?

of course, especially in this kind of game

Anyway my game plan as always is to pretend to be in the game

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Solid strategy, literally can’t die


I’m going secrecy

not because I want to be a cultist

I just want all of you to die and not become cultists