[MISC] God Slayers - Game Thread (Jane, Apprentice, Ranta, and Nightingale win!)

:game_die: 2

@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 2

whatd I get

you go here

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Ranta goes to the Chaos Gate!

Chaos gate (4/5): Draw a card from one of the God, Slayer, or Wanderer decks (your choice).

Ranta, please choose the God, Slayer, or Wanderer deck

god deck is like: oh hey nice card

slayer deck is like: wtf this card is gamebreaking

wanderer deck: test someones faction


shouldn’t it be that earth and chaos

for gate you just add the sum and go to that. so 4

yeah but it said pairings
and and

no you only go to one gate, the gate pairings are for who you can attack

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oh cool

yeah so if you’re at the chaos gate you can stab someone at the earth gate

but I’m doing a pacifist run


alr ty again

/draw slayer card

Ranta draws from the God Deck

@discobot roll 1d99

:game_die: 45

nevermind apparently

oh I cant change