My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes



do ybw’s mom as well


As explained earlier: you are the Best Friend, the deuteragonist who’s more interesting and capable than the actual protagonist, although the story doesn’t entirely revolve around you. Not evil, you aren’t the killer. You probably got into trouble more than a few times growing up because someone else needed help or a distraction.

This measured and reasonable friend of yours is hysterical because they’re being stalked by a ghost, or chased by a killer? You aren’t scared for your own safety, you’re concerned about their wellbeing. If you receive a weird hate email from them, you go over to their house for an explanation and listen when they beg for you to believe they didn’t send it.

If you die, it’s shown on-screen and it’s probably really sad to drive in the feeling of despair that you actively work against. You’re simply too effective for the author to write around. If they don’t do that, you eventually become the protagonist, the Ellen Ripley, spawning an action franchise and you become an icon forever.


You’re not an action hero, of course.

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i dont know what that means

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Unfortunately, I specifically don’t know you very well. That probably means you aren’t a main villain, but you aren’t a member of the main group. Perhaps you appear in one episode which revolves around you, and then appear a few seasons later, before disappearing forever without explanation. If I could have more data, that would help a lot.


what the hell

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You actually matter but you probably die anyway because writers don’t respect intelligent characters.


…you think im intelligent?

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By the metric of movies.
“This rational person that I know very well claims to have seen a vision before a meteor fell on their house? What an unfortunate coincidence, oh well.”

That’s not you.

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The only way you survive is as part of a doomed cast.

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rational people rationalise. nobody wants to think that their entire life could be uprooted by dumb luck so they decide something caused it. this is one of those distribution graph memes

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If May told you that someone with two heads was stalking them, I don’t think you would dismiss it.

thats because im gay


however i would be concerned for mays mental health first and foremost because ive been there


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Didn’t mean to reply there
Oh :whale2:

edit:^this was before i checked what i repiled to :sob:
[the oh :whale2: part of it]

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sorry but me, may, kaguyahime makes 3


Early victim of a horror movie. You’re familiar enough that your death will hurt, but your main personality modes seem to be “bored” or “tired” and that can’t carry a narrative. Your death sets the story. Perhaps if you expected to die, you left behind messages for the heroes to follow.

You’re capable in your craft, perhaps you’re even overestimated at times, so I think this best suits the role of an experienced mentor. Actually, that’s my answer.

You set the plot and then die, or you come in late to explain what’s happening and then you die.



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