My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

this looks fun

I am curious now where you gonna place me

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Nightingale is the ghost next door who always seems to know more than she lets on. When there’s a supernatural threat in town, she either read all about it in a book or confronted it in xyr own life. Someone close to her probably died a long time ago and that closed her off from really interacting with the main group of protagonists for a while. Night might even begin the story dead, and advise everyone from beyond the graves. Xyr plays an important role in the second half of the story, and is only alluded to before then.


Chloe is the overseer who protects the mortal plane from danger, except she got the job a few years ago so she isn’t as distant and ethereal as she should be. She dies at the hands of the main villain during the climax, or right before it, and also has her own prequel movie + appears in a load of spin-offs.


the trick is that they were the marionette anyway :moyai:

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I still think it would’ve been fair as a real ability.

“All Minions are Outsiders [all Outsiders are in-play]” wouldn’t have been great, as a comparison.

That’s a funny one though

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But does funny mean good?

I mean, funny can be fun, and balance is in the name of fun, but there isn’t perfect overlap between “funny” and “balanced”.

if I got told I was the vizier and I am now the mutant would I be laughing or crying



as the mutant be mad that youre vizier


your avatar looks a lot like that one shot from the yoasobi idol music video
i like

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Tutuu is the drug dealer in the back alley who has seen some things and has a heart of gold. Tutuu will belittle and disparage their friends, customers, and strangers alike, but it’s not intended to be malicious; they just had a rough upbringing. If someone in a rough spot comes up, Tutuu will turn them away. If someone is upset, Tutuu will leave them alone. If someone is clearly tough enough to get over it, even if only barely, Tutuu will happily bully them and won’t get into any trouble because face face it: they’re still a drug dealer in the back alley.

Their narrative purpose will fluctuate between stories. Tutuu could either have something important to share with the main group, or have trauma to get over if they’re involved directly. The story will end with Tutuu becoming a better person and not so much of a bully, or a deadly redemption. Or whatever Cabin in the Woods did, I guess.


He gets persona 5ed

I’ll expand on what I said earlier regarding Keldi.

LOST IN A TIME LOOP. Specifically a Bill Murray Groundhog day-style timeloop, where the same length of time is repeated on end until one specific course of action is met. Except Keldi also has a really poor memory, so it’s hard to remember exactly what happened even more than a few loops ago, so it just keeps happening forever.

Keldi has occasional bottle episodes during the show while everyone else has their main adventures, showing their pointless attempts to help as many people or do as many silly things as possible and getting frustrated that no matter what they do, the loop never ends. These episodes are arguably the best part of the show and fans are beyond furious that production doesn’t put a larger budget towards them.


Combining this with Benguin’s and Garfooled’s character, this is the story’s secondary trio. IT WORKS.


Geyde is the intimidating primary villain, a warlock or sorcerer who really carries themselves on reputation more than any demonstrations of power nowadays. They were big and scary once upon a time, but they were sealed away in a can for years and now they just sit upon their throne of darkness while their legion of drows threaten and pillage villages and communities. If anyone comes close enough where fear will clearly not do the trick, Geyde switches gears and tries to act charismatic, because they really aren’t a combatant anymore.

Geyde is vanquished off-screen when Frodo throws the ring into the Cracks of Doom— I mean, ignore that last sentence.


This is getting long now.
I know that I’m missing Zone and Ranta, I can’t remember who else off the top of my head.