My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

Im at like the very end of the line

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It’s so beautiful…!

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They shut down my kitchen, but they could never shuhs down my kutchen

Now I need to remember who you are.

Wait, I think this is just the quite literal plot of my system’s experience…


Also i


Oh dear


hello chat

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Hi Frazor.

can you do me next

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Do you want me to go out of order?

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oh have you not done some other people despite this thread being inactive?

I was finishing up my exams…
Excuse that I finished my last exam a week ago.


I mean, these seem quite accurate from a glance

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I see how it is. Am just a scapegoat to you :cry:

Uh yes


Shit fair game

Oh hi, I am either outsmarting you or I don’t.

(That is opening I left it wide open with 500 counter moves)

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Zorvo - The Creative Writer

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Marshal has friends and a job… probably. Nobody’s really sure, because even though she’s the most friendly and cheerful person in town, she never talks about her backstory. I would call her “comedic”, but I would think the comedy comes from her actions rather than her personality. She has these occasional shticks, and she’ll remain completely in character during all of them.

One day, a side character visits a random shopping centre in the bad side of town and finds Marshal working there. She swears them to secrecy because she doesn’t want everyone to know her private life is really destitute or anything, stemming back from some traumatic incident that she’s moved on from. Marshal’s resilient and just doesn’t want to talk about things. She acts as a foil to the main villain in this way, even if they don’t directly interact — the slightest changes could’ve made Marshal the villain instead, but she developed differently and became a better person.