Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

Bruh y’all are all hypocrites


I mean i wasnt gonna say anything

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How do I activate the VC? Is there a button somewhere for VC?

VOTE: Elizathepsycho

Of course I am! It’s the wolfiest thing ever.
Actually, fun fact, they’re not actually voting me they’re being meanies and voting Lucifer instead >:(

I do love the hypocrisy from everyone.

It’s the Gavel thing below a post.

ElizaThePsycho (4): Garfooled, Kiiruma, IcetFeelsPain, Hazardwaste
LuciferChaos (2): Lemonfairy, Creature
Kiiruma (1): ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (4): JakeTheWolfie, Gorta, WizKvothe, LuciferChaos

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Alright thanks

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Ok i am off to work. Have fun and goodluck guys!!

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Kiiruma has you and Lucifer as top town for ?? reasons
I tried to get Kiiruma to explain said reasons but they shut down and refused
they are spreading paranoia on icet, who I am also a bit paranoid of but ultimately townread (see signal boosted post above)

GL at work! See ya later mate.

I am prob staying on Lucifer then because Eliza already got four votes, but I still slightly prefer Eliza.

5 minutes before eod :see_no_evil:

I’ve legit explained such reasons. Multiple times. To the point that I’m legit talking to a fucking brick wall.
So I’m moving on because it’d be better to talk to others than someone who won’t listen.

I have explained mulitple times why I’m voting Lucifer and not you

Damn… we’re both explaining things multiple times and yet not seeing it? Wild.

Eliza’s wagon has three of my townreads too.

Is that everyone but me?

you explained nothing except meta reads