Pixel Cat’s End (cat thread cat thread)

no it is gone for good


im sorry bionic :frowning:

also this person is such an asshole

i literally completed the dungeon - the only dungeon. i beat it. i beat the boss. and i did all my daily tasks

wym “barely played”

i literally speedran your game and i quit coz there wasnt content

this is so frustrating. he barely has players and hes banning you. moron

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and wym “benefitted quite a lot from the activity” if they can track the trades literally just remove them from your inventory. whats the problem? moron

he can just make beginner cats untradable

this system is terrible because it allows people to troll and get people banned. i can maliciously sign up with a new account and send all my cats to a random person and get them banned if they accept the tradee


how is this dipshit so fucking stupid

“assuming you follow the rules”

what rules did bionic break?

“this account was no more than a few hours old - meaning blah blah blah it only existed to give you free cats”



I don’t think they can, because it wasn’t built that way

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im really sorry for getting you banned bionic. i probably should have asked if that would be against the rules. but this dev is a fucking idiot


how did bionic get under the spotlight then?

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Pet sites have alarms that trigger when new players send people stuff


god forbid people have friends who help each other out :man_facepalming:


this is so frustrating because this dev is like the equivalent of a mafia player who faked a red check on a scumread and is being given an explanation for why they’re wrong but they’re doubling down because they believe in themselves so much. ego through the roof

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it’s all good it was a good gesture until they banned me lol



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im gonna try sending another message to them

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can u give me the email? ill send them a message too

you start by contacting them here (log out if it shows the ban message


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also i can see my stuff selling beacuse my money went up this is silly

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so cute!


i sent an email, i literally linked cookie thread and sent screenshots from cookie thread and referred to them to May who said knows the dev personally to double confirm me and bioinic aren’t the same person. there is like an unsurmountable evidence that im not a bionic alt. he should be unbanned if there is any sense of reason


if the problem are the cats i can send them to the city and keep track of what they give me

if the problem is also the resources tutuu sent me i can quicksell everything he did

then i could just open a giveaway to newbies or something and give everything that couldn’t be quicksold and the notes away, if they really want those items out of the game i could sent the stuff to an alt they made to delete later

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ty tutuu!

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