Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

Refuse to vote Olivest


Déjà vu is real here.

Ah is it because you’re trying to imitate my play on Helluva Boss FM?

You flatter me…

Technically not since noexe is not a thing and ties are randed

good morning guys this is what I fuckin said like d3

y’all can’t just shade me for the entire game and never exe me or else this happens

The only issue, Neon. I townread Olivest so that’s not going to happen.

Official Votecount 6.0

Frostwolf103 (1): Neon

Not Voting (8): Stellaluna, Olivest, Jarek, Frostwolf103, Dum, LadyLambdaDelta, Beancat, KingTroll

anyway yeah someone healed my ass

I’m not mad I just want to talk

Yeah Neon is big bad wolf, but I think we already passed point of no return.

also pissed my coin betrayed me

this is not a good d6 situation for me. the Ls are continuing

is this just going to be a thunderdome between two two life players is this how this day goes



like in all cases we need a flip today or maf wins

One of LLD and Olivest is always work KT if KT is a wolf.

anyone who suggests a 2 life wagon today is just wolf I think

Neon’s imitation of me is her nicest form of flattery.

so there’s mechanically one wolf in the 1 lifers category right? Otherwise we’d just lose

Hypothetically yes

If LLD and Olivest being partners is to believed like Neon suggested, well actually LLD could be the one who healed the poison on you.

Why lol

if we kill a 2 life wolf wolves just shoot a 1 life villager and that’s parity i think is the logic


i want to see a flip that’s why