Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

It’s not. You’re attempt to throw the entire town loss on my shoulders is lame and I’ve chosen not to acknowledge it.


jesus can you people not fight POST game

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mafia is supposed to be a fun game where friends come together to blatantly lie to each others faces and have fun while doing it


While I understand the amount of KP was largely due to being overly attached to the idea of 2 lives system and wanting to rush it down, I disagree that on average town will hit themselves with their KP at a rand rate. While you can argue that the two lives system would exacerbate that I don’t think in the average game it would still lead to the disparity in targeting that existed here.

Additionally, the conditional nature of some of the KP led to a lot of it being overly niche to use or in some cases actively detrimental most of the time. While you could argue this is a balancing feature for how much KP town has, that clearly was not the intent given the point was to speed the game up. So in practice it ended up making a side problem to the KP amount, namely the roles often feeling unimpactful or sometimes outright debilitating (such as the factional not counting for Wisp’s role).

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That’s not why i didn’t shoot you Frost

it shouldnt carry over post game

I’m not perfect but I am willingly to apologize where it’s needed, but I absolutely refuse to sugar coat my views on peoples mafia players. Sitting here and telling someone they it’s ok that you played poorly there is always next time changes absolutely nothing.

Many thanks @Host_Account_3


I don’t think Zorvo had a choice to call off the PGO from Lucyfer, that is not throwing. In fact KingTroll did it perfectly to cause two birds kill with one stone.

Hosting is dope invite me to your game ^^

i agree with this sentiment but there’s nothing constructive about calling a villager a 5th wolf in a chat they can’t access

Fine, what is it?

So you can lynch me and THEN shoot me?

the problem was not town having too much kp

the problem was wolves having far too little kp

there is no reason we should have had one role that was capable of giving us extra kills once and nothing else

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I only mentioned that after it was already mentioned by wolves. It’s not something I just thought of on my own.

shrug There’re a few things that stuck around from previous draft versions of the game. Most of the focus later on in dev was making the game not take forever, and making sure the roles made sense and weren’t actively unfun on their own merit. Houndoom I don’t think got touched very much towards the end, and all four of us were neck deep in the sauwce at that point.

In future, now that most of the mech kinks have been worked out, I suspect doing even something of this size and lives again would be far easier to spot that kinda thing in.

Eliza on her way to like every post in this thread


Hey everyone,

I’ve seen a few posts this postgame that are not very respectful towards other players. This is a general reminder to everyone to attack the play, not the player, and in particular to try to avoid contentless insults.

Also, if you think another player violated a rule, please let the mods know.


Thus is true.

But this has also been the single least enjoyable game of mafia ive ever played


And I’m fucking upset.

if you don’t think that this is enough proof you can look up neon’s name in wolf chat and find nothing along those lines

(btw im going to take this as a opportunity to say im always down to hydra during this year, even if i cant play as a standalone slot, as long as you are fine with me being the more laid back side of the hydra)