Poor Approximations of Catgirls - Thread 1

I love how I intentionally tried to ignore the Arctic/Marshal thing at first and let it play out and I got dragged into it anyway

taking a break from thread

don’t shoot me

Alright, so, first impression is that I’m not going to have to worry toooo much about reading JC and Wazza right now? Maybe not Arctic or Squirrel either? Katze (aren’t you supposed to be retired? :3) is playing under the radar from my perspective. Min, Ill, and Marshall are all in that middle area that always scares me – thus, I’m I’m point my FOS at those three for now until more people show up. I’m not commenting on Mist right now, because I’m sure I’ll get a read on her too by the end of the day.

Arcys response just ain’t it he could have taken plenty of less agressive responses but the one he’s taking directly fits with a wolf looking to forcefully establish self in thread.

I also think he’d be a lot less gung-ho on wazza specifically after purgatory cuz I thought she was wolfy and he agreed he would prob think that way too if he wasn’t host so to immediately pile on wazza feels likelier agenda than organic

The “It’s sad but you could do this as town because you tunnel me every game” stuff is also hella gross direct way of trying to guilt me off of the push

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Scan Indicates: Wolf
Analysis: Overly defensive tone shows through in the forced attempt at a lighthearted joke.

Oh, Nutella is in that middle area, too. In fact,

/vote nutella @Nyarchmage

your first post pinged me

none of this is worth responding to, sorry

Because she is someone who fights back, and hadn’t identified what you were doing like I did

Even now you’re kinda just getting exactly what u want if mafia and orienting yourself by way of arguing with me instead of being passively read but whatever

The top part is the main thing I cared about and you proceeded to blank it out
You said I was trying to seize thread control when I literally just
haven’t done anything lmao

I’m going to pull my hair out actually

Look jc is probably town but also I would probably kill him

where have you got this idea that i want to argue with people as scum to look busy

i don’t think i’ve ever done that as a wolf

Actually, I take that back. Arctic never responded to this, so they can go into the middle, too. I’ll take out Illwei for their reactions to me.

it’s literally happening rn ppl are gonna look back on this and see stuff as just some me/arctic or wazza/arctic argument my bones are fr tingling rn with this read

yeah i guess that was phrased badly
you aren’t seizing control, you’re establishing your presence by spewing out nonsense pushes and antagonizing people, it doesn’t feel like you are trying to honestly engage with anyone to get any pointers on alignment

The hell is this read?

Arctic usually just ignores when people call him scum without an explanation
I do the same since it’s just not worth the effort

I’ve done it a million times when Sussed early and you have a very similar wolfstyle to me

so i’m a wolf because i’m playing like wolf you does
nice one marshal

Min is pretty likely a villager