Ritual Mafia V (17/17)

Edit: this is outdated since conversion shot cannot be delayed. I still think you shouldn’t focus too much on conversion hunting but if you happen to find some juicy stuff then you can do it

Basic Village Strategy (Ritual Bullshit):

  • Prioritize finding locktowns and have them demand consolidation on a specific player for ritual. Don’t worry about them being pocketed. It’s significantly worse to leave things up to group consensus since the deck is massively stacked in nontown’s favor. Plus you’re not getting too much from VCA since there isn’t public voting for the phase.
  • Cannot say enough how important it is to consolidate hard. It doesn’t matter how wolfy the wolves are since the Divide and Conquer strategy can allow them to stack on their wolfiest and stay in the game perpetually from there.
  • None of the town rituals are good enough to justify a decision involving them, since the cost of losing on that front is so much worse. If an exorcist denial can be secured confidently then it’s probably the biggest pro-town swing in the game since it (a) confirms the exorcist since the interference is announced (b) can allow ritual to be used offensively (very good) (c) allows for more discussion elsewhere, particularly on the Execution Phase. This is good because…

Execution Phase (For Town :pray:)

  • If Town lets Ritual results define what happens during execution phase, they will lose. There is too little information to draw reasonably accurate conclusions and wolves can just choose to delay their convert until after the execution phase. Sure, making reads using ritual phase is totally fine. Just get it in your head that the results are far less of a gimme than they initially seem. Wolves are utter power players during that phase so they can realistically do anything they want without saccing much to do so. Respect that.
  • Ritual Phase + Full Execution Phase is 72 hours. That’s a lot of time. Day 3+ I strongly recommend going for early hammers. Long phases and the game dragging on are good ways to lose WIM and once town loses WIM…wolves can just coast using Ritual Phase wins to get the fat gamer dub
  • Coordinating actions is the only time when Ritual results discussion is pretty good. In fact, coming up with night plans and mech solving what wolves did last night is pretty good. All main wolves are set in stone and the only other potential source of nontown ability interaction (non-ritual) is Elementalist, which isn’t even a guaranteed pick (although it is really fucking strong).

Things That Will Give Me Brain Damage If People Do:

  • Forget to make logs. This is very safe and always productive. Having an action log tightens wolf options.
  • Refuse an eventual Massclaim. It has to happen at some point. There’s not a huge punish for a massclaim, especially later on. Doing the massclaim right is important as to potentially catch wolves in webs, but it’s not like you’ll be seriously crippling yourself since the average town role starts kind of sussy in terms of utility and massively increases in utility as wolves go down. I can see arguments for either d2 or d3 massclaim. Just don’t wait until later. D2 is better against Seer flip tailor. D3 has more info potential. Do what you will.
  • Try to play convert hunt on the same day as a Heretic sac. Wolves are in complete control of when and who they convert. You are just giving them ammo to work with.
  • CFD the Ritual. It’s fine to have discussion but the last 12 hours of ritual should not be spent trying to discuss who to ritual. Figure that shit out fast and stick to it.

Optimal Wolf Strategy:

  • Majority of team should powerwolf. Deepwolfing is okay but it’s not very good. The way town wins is by controlling the pace of the game. You don’t want that so while limp fish strats can work they aren’t particularly good.
  • Yeah that’s pretty much it. Bussing is shit except for bussing Seer. Seer sucks.
  • Regarding the lost wolf, it’s more funny if I don’t give any suggestions. glgl

I Rolled Traitor…What Should I Pick?

  • Ritualist is a weird pick. Only huge benefit is the nearly guaranteed heretic sac if you use muting spell + leader voice giving you an effective 4 vote swing. Landing this and hitting a heretic is probably a W because of the sheer value it gives. A kill that’s substantially better than a kill for wolves, plus a free kill for you is basically gamewinning.
  • Lamb is (1) reliant on your team being good enough to capitalize on the additional kills, and (2) you have to be good yourself. Fun ballsy pick but it probably isn’t as good as it initially parses.
  • Elementalist is the standard best pick. 2 to ritual votes is strong. You have absurd versatility and Fire Rune is pushed as fuck. Being able to join wolf chat is independently very strong itself, but combined with extra ritual weight and the absurd abilities allows you to slam town pretty easy. You really don’t want to be sacced with this character though.

Elementalist > Ritualist > Lamb. Choose Ritualist if you are feeling confident in your ability to coordinate with wolves.

Basic Traitor Strategy:

  • I don’t know the meta way to play lost wolf. Just don’t be super obvious I guess. You’re immune to factional so feel free to scumhunt. You don’t want to be in control of thread narrative for the most part.

Who to Sac (as Village):

  • you’re going to be picking in a tossup of the safe and the risky.
  • the safe is choosing obvious villagers who aren’t doing a ton to influence thread positively
  • the risky is going for players you don’t think are wolves but are liable to be executed (LHF!villagers basically).
  • evaluate gamestate to figure out which one is the best ig

Town theoretically can win this setup
They probably won’t
But they can

In the ideal world you run this at 19 players with +2 town
but we’re not in that world

I am deeply autistic

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Feel free to criticize strats
I feel like they provide > standard odds of success for village
but hey if 2 wolves get executed pretty early then village just wins lol

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Lamb gets 2x votes for ritual if town votes them which I feel like should be mentioned

this is known


I think it’s good but I don’t think getting ritualed as lamb early is enough better than ritualist getting a heretic sac early to be a great pick

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And that’s of course ignoring that elementalist is absurdly overtuned
It should probably have only 1 ritual vote and have to cycle full to use any of the abilities again

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Is 2kpn not good + a permanent vote remover?

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basically permanent

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traitor is the only nontown that can’t be replaced upon being ritualed so the permanent vote remover is more a consolation than a significant buff
and ritualist forcing a heretic sac is 1 really good kill and 1 standard kill so they have relative parity unless lamb gets d2d


Lamb getting d2d though is pretty much gg unless village goes crazy afterwards though i think


Yeah but it’s gonna be pretty obvious d2. Never sac people that are trying the hardest to be sac’d

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3 people die every cycle in this game and there are a few ways to up that number so the game isn’t going to last long

eod2 will have 4 people dead
a lamb or ritualist ping will add 1 so sod3 has 6
eod3 will have 8
lamb ping will add 1 so 10 (9 if ritualist)
both lamb and ritualist win at this point if no other wolves have died before this / no kills are interrupted


lamb isn’t as strong as it seems then


lamb through outpacing town kp
ritualist through winning ritual phase due to doublevote

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Ritualist is just a better elementalist ngl. The only downside is not being able to coordinate with wolves for like voting for majority

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if this were a much higher playercount game then the gains would really be felt but yeah


consequently it would be much harder to be sacced