Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

If you disagree, then ask the hosts RIGHT NOW IN YOUR ROLE PM!

bruh moment

He has to be doing it on purpose at this point

Which is such a :skull:

I am convinced enough

VOTE: Guava

wait I read that as dum/leafia

still kinda of a bruh moment

i was told more
but i think im supposed to keep it to myself
because there’s a portion separate that magnus says “to let them know you’re hearing voices”

the part that i paraphrased

VOTE: brakuren international bikeshedding champion 2007

It says in OP rules are similar to Ritual Mafia IV.

If I can copy and paste as Medium in Ritual Mafia 3, why can’t Garf?

international bikeshedding champion 2007 ^^

hosts cannot overrule global forum rules

Hmm nah nevermind this bumbling fool, she got dethroned

Ah, well. No surprise there.
…did she claim her role? I forgot whether she had claimed one prior to getting hammered.

Ah, well. I got Brakuren covered N3, and pretty much everyone is deadset on guava Today.

Not sure what Derps’ check means though. Like, the guava redcheck?


garfooled this is very important

did magnus tell you who kazo made into GS



they instantly claimed diviner (which is the only move for a wolf) and acted wolfy so we want to kill it

they also kept this part separate from what i should share

oh okay VOTE: guava