[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

Good evening, and welcome to…


(Acronym Pending)

Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf…

“You’ve successfully undermin…”

“You’re [The following phrase has been stricken from the transcript, due to inappropriate content. Please ask the information officer if you wish to hear it completely.]!”

“I refuse to- let yo-ur- inc-”

“I refuse to… be beaten by you.”

Playback Complete.


Follow the Global Rules. Respect other players’ personal pronouns, gender identity, and other additional non-outrageous personal requests. If you don’t know what other players want to be referred to by, ask the player. If you have social anxiety and cannot ask the player, see what other players refer to the player as, and parrot it. You do not get to assume or decide what other players get to be called. Do not provide “quotes” of anything done in a private pm. Referencing host communication is allowed. If any rules get continually broken with no signs of improvement, there may be consequences.

Removed Content

Alignments. I do not wish for players to be “stuck” into acting a certain way, and I feel like the overall structure would hardly change from their removal. You may act as Good, Evil, or Neutral as you’re willing to risk.
Required Motivation. It is unnecessary, but welcome if you wish to.
The former stat pool. It will be upgraded to allow for more customization, and more interesting dynamics.
The former ability pool. It’ll be upgraded.
Ability points that differ based off of alignment.
Other things will be changed around as I see fit.

Basic Information

This is a game, a roleplay game. That means the majority of the fun will, logically, be from roleplaying. You should… probably prepare for that.
There is two seperate ways of signing up. One, would be a standard /In (Rank) which also requires you choosing your rank. The other would be /In (Cadet). This is to ensure everyone reads at least some of the op (which I worked really hard on!!) Cadet’s can come and go, be missing for weeks, or drop out whenever without judgement, but they’re capped at two (unless there are 5 or less Agents) and have decreased combat abilities. The ranks are as following:

[1st Lieutenant]
[2nd Lieutentant]

  • The Commander should be expected to be the most powerful single player in the game. Cadet’s do not have to listen or stick by them… most of the time… but if you want to survive, sticking around them and gaining their favour would help.
  • The 1st Lieutenant and 2nd Lieutenant are a pair of two. It’s heavily recommended to sign up with someone you can deal with’s existence
  • Liason Officer is self explanatory.
  • Clandestine-Operative gets small time stat buffs, a bit more specialized gear, and should be expected to do… clandestine things a bit more. There’s buffs to sneaking around in combat included, but it should be noted “Restricted” areas are rarer then regular combat arenas.
  • The Detective is the dedicated non-agent role.

Skillsets, Stat points.

There is four different base skilltrees, each with four stats each, each with a limit of how high you can level them to, up to six. You have eight base stat points. Each level in the stat increases your proficiency in that certain area, be it physical ability or agility. In addition, you have one bonus point, which can go past the leveling limit (that’s 9 points total, including your bonus point)

Title Leveling Description Comments
Honour 0/1 How am I supposed to know? “They say that nothing good comes from morality. One would tend to disagree. But I wouldn’t expect too much use out of it” - Unknown
Empathy 0/3 Feel your friends. Relive the nightmares of your enemies through your own eyes. Coax via your mind other’s deeply-hidden façades “Sir, with all due respect that is due to her… the reason for my late assignment was because your daughter tackled me off of my seat when I was to bring it to your office, and I had to fight her off for the five minutes prior to my arrival. - W”
Logic 0/4 Basic deduction. Putting clues together. Regular world knowledge “…In the story, the man is coerced into joining the red-headed league because they wanted to dig a tunnel to the bank in his pawn shop, and Sherlock foils it and arrests the man by his deduction. That’s what a detective does… help people and solve mysteries. - W”
Wisdom 0/5 Judgement. Patience. Minor all-around statboost. Lessens some temporary downsides. “but they [Wars] are a rather expensive way to teach Americans geography.” - The Washington Post, 1919.
Title Leveling Description Comments
Agility 0/6 Be quick. Dash across a scene and escape untouched. “Yes, I see, sir, but the second I had looked away the suspect dashed off. We got 'em anyway, T hit 'em with the back of his gun.” - C
Reaction Speed 0/4 Decide split of the moment decisions. Be able to grasp a situations. Grasp together evidence, and provide thought-provoking information in a second. It’s happening again. But he’s ready. W doesn’t have the time to make sure she’s there. He presses his feet against the vertical wall and pushes, letting the momentum of his chair (with wheels) carry him. The young woman flies past him, landing on the floor. He looks at her in shock, that being, that he actually won, and gets off his chair to assure himself of her safety. Then she tackles him. - [Security Footage]
Awareness 0/3 Observe your surroundings, and take in what’s useful. Hear the quiet sirens in the distance. “Stop. Do you hear that?” W looks at the woman to his left, awaiting a silent answer. She nods. They continue their crouched movements, taking shelter behind a small rock. They peer over. “Right… those thieves are fighting, and that young lady there does look to be in a might bit of danger. Take aim. He can scold us for wasting supplies later.” - [Transcriber]
Innerworkings 0/2 Have a basic requirement of eye to hand coordination, and overall bodily control. “What makes you not a stumbling baffoon, to be brisk.” - P
Title Leveling Description Comments
Endurance 0/5 Physical motivation and persistence. Keep moving. Keep pushing. “The definition of might. The definition of usefulness. The definition… of me.” - [10 Reasons of Life]
Physique 0/5 Physical power. “Basic competence in a fighting scenario.” - T
Survivalism 0/6 Have the “Instinct” burrowed deep inside of you. Know how, why, and where to fight. Basic survival skills. “Zzzz…” - S
Mechanical Intervention 0/3 Proficiency with mechanical “upgrades” “It’s usefulness is up in the gears. - W” “Which means it’s not very useful - W”
Title Leveling Description Comments
Address 0/4 Dexterity. Grace. Fit in and out of situations. Be nimble. “Good for thieves, egomaniacs, assassins, and… probably… cops.” - T
Composure 0/3 Scream in the face of fear. Stand your ground. React with stride. “Force the fools in your way to stand down, while guarding yourself without rest for even a moment.” - T
Influential Rhetoric 0/3 Convince others of your bold-face lies or complete truth. Psychological warfare. Spellcasting “Useful for Propagandists, Jesters, Circus Runaways, and the mindfully-witted.” - T
Charm 0/3 Play the victim, or the broken. Act like your future is brighter then theirs. “Appear innocent in order to discourage violence, or defuse tension.” “It’s self explanatory.” - T

Feel free to add to these stats. If you do so, you’ll get a reward.

Title Leveling Description Comments
Conspiracist 0/2 There’s something there. You’re not sure of it, but there’s something wrong here. You should focus on it. Forget this silly mercenary business. What kind of name is “Lampshade” anyway. Not any name you’re interested in. Just think about it, 'kay? Perhaps you’re convinced you’re immortal. Perhaps you’re sure you’re immortal, and you just want to get the extra points to prove it. Perhaps the poison in your veins won’t kill you. This will take over your mind, at uncertain periods, to provide you ‘sound’ and ‘logical’ advice following those categories. It combos great with extreme, unstoppable, paranoia. Feel free to customize your insanity.
Hypomania 0/1 Mania is the state of being manic, I.E, being, hyper and happy, usually in arbitrary situations. Hypomania is typically less severe and shorter then mania. Find joy in something that shouldn’t bring you joy, then won’t bring you joy, then will being you joy. It’s a great way to make your mood inconsistent.
Paranoia 0/2 They’re lying to you. They’re all mocking you. Oft gets confused for survivalism. “No, you’re just exceptionally so stupid that it wraps around to you being smart.” - A
Hexed 0/2 Plain misfortune, specific misfortune, vendors always thinking you’re shifty and refusing to bargin, etc. “When you’re in this long enough, bad lucks sure to get you eventually. It costed me an eye, but I’m sure you’ll get out with all your fingers.” - A
Downtrodden 0/3 Severally and constantly underestimate your ability, occassionaly causing actual problem in your ability due to lack of confidence. Oft confused for wisdom. “None. I’m sorry.” - A


Melee Damage - 1 + (agi + R.S) + (phy•2) + (wis•.5) + (surv •1.5) + (wp + wp status effect) - (Downtrodden [Downtrodden [Roll a 1d20. If you roll less then or equal to [2/4/6], you will deal that much less damage, •.5])
Ranged Damage - wp + ([surv + logi + reaction] • 1.25) + ([wis+agi] • 1.5) + (wp status effect) - (Downtrodden [Roll a 1d20. If you roll less then or equal to [2/4/6], you will deal that much less damage, •.5])
Sharpshooter Damage - wp + area* damage multiplier + ([agi + logi + R.S] • 1.25) + ([wis + surv] • 1.25) - Downtrodden [Roll a 1d20. If you roll less then or equal to [2/4/6], you will deal that much less damage, •.5])
Magicks Damage - wp + ([inn + wis + surv]) + ([chrm + comp + add] • 2.5) + (inf • 3) - (Downtrodden [Dice roll. A 2/4/6 out of 20, per rank, will make you do 0.5 • less damage.])
Magic Damage - wp + ([inn + wis + surv] • 1.25) + ([chrm + comp + add] • 3) + (inf • 3.5)
Gun Damage - wp (r)

Accuracy - 40% + (agi•3) + (inn•9) + (add•2) + (wp) + (surv•2.5) + (wis) - (Downtrodden [Roll (1/2/3) 1d5’s. On a 1, lower your accuracy by 5%)

Health - 40 + (end • 5) + (comp • 3) + ([surv + phy] • 2)
Magicks Pool - 0 + (wis•4) + ([awa + inf] • 2.5) +([Comp+ Chrm] • 2)
Magic Pool - 0 + (wis•2.5) + ([awa + inf] • 1.5) + ([Comp+Chrm] • 2)

Dodge Chance - 0 + (Agi•4) + (R.S•2) + ([Awa+Inn] • 1.5) + (Surv)

(debuff(s)%) - debuff(s)*
Damage reduction - (Armour)

*1 - Area refers to Area on the body. I.E, a shot into the heart will do a lot more then one in the lower arm.
*2 - Debuffs come in all manner of types. At base, each player starts the game Prime, and it goes from there.

Character Things

Blood Type:
Date of Birth:
Eye Description:
Hair Description:
Other Noteworthy Information:

Miscellaneous Character Descriptions:

Backstory (Optional):

[Character Name]
Level 1
Health - 40/40
Magicks Pool - 0/0
Magic Pool - 0/0

Skill Leveling
Honour 0/1
Empathy 0/3
Logic 0/4
Wisdom 0/5
Agility 0/6
Reaction Speed 0/4
Awareness 0/3
Innerworkings 0/2
Endurance 0/5
Physique 0/5
Survivalism 0/6
Mech Intervention 0/3
Address 0/4
Composure 0/3
Influential Rhetoric 0/3
Charm 0/3
Downgrade Leveling
Conspiracist 0/2
Hypomania 0/1
Paranoia 0/2
Hexed 0/2
Downtrodden 0/3

Ability 1
Ability 2
Ability 3
Ability 4
Ability 5

Win Condition

Worldbuilding Information

The game starts in “Gemma” month, 2026, which is somewhere in mid-autumn, with the prologue taking place on the 22nd. Technology is less widespread, being placed in the hands of mainly officials and those who know how to built their own devices or whom can steal them, and the world is, evidently, far more advanced in some places in comparsion to others, not having good air conditioning in the majority of places but having cheaper and greater wide-spread production of alcohol, for example.

Most of you are mercenaries hired by the “Lampshade Corporation”, which is way more overarching then a mercenary group should be, dragging it’s employees from specific towns by presenting itself as the most stable employer for the area (while destroying or otherwise managing all other employing areas nearby, how are you gonna get another job when the opening for the next 17 years is a three week constant walk on foot with no hope for any other type of travel) while strategically ignoring the rest of the possible hiring prospects out of those towns unless they specifically journey out to a hiring town, meaning that while some parents will train their children for the corp or they get extremely dedicated outside members… most of the time it’s just undisciplined people with only one job prospect to support themselves, and they got picked up off the street by recruiters. They’re quite effective, and thus some members are significantly expendable. Also you’re under NDA.

The Detective is a hire from “Kransaturnier”, which serves as this worlds police department, and is about the same rank as the 1st Lieutenant within it. Their corporation is about 50% less completely corrupt then Lampshade, which isn’t really a contest, but they’re better at emotional manipulation. Each member is specifically picked for an ability to get along with others, allowing them to make their own bonds within the company and tying them down on a ship because of it, largely due to if any specific member quits, those they have been cooperating with will be extraordinarily overworked for years until “a suitable replacement is found”, unless in the event of an employee dying. The only other hire is based off of extreme specialty. They can win with you, but aiding you is secondary to their objective, although it may overlap.

The Major is a non-playable-character, meant as some sort of guide for the main cast, minus the detective. He’ll be near useless from time to time (he’s contractually obligated to), but, hey, he’s the one supplying your arms, that paper you received said. If you have any questions about your unit, need advice (90% of which he’s not qualified to answer), or suspicions on who you think is trying to kill you, he’s sure to at least put in a complaint with higher command, I think?
Futhermore, if something gets really dicey, the Major General or her higher command might be brought in. Or she might just show up anyway. It’s the CEO’s orders!

Ability Information, and other.

You have five different ability creation levels. Create a concept for an ability, or a skill your character has, and rate how powerful you want the skill to be, out of 5. You can create a skill for each number level, that being 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Cadets only have abilities 4 and 5.
Everyone has, at base, have three different abilities. They cannot be discarded for more points.

Calm Down (0) - Breathe in… and out. If you attack next turn, you have a doubled chance of hitting. This consumes a turn.

Block (0) - Put up your fists. Calm down. Roll a 1d3. That number will be the amount of damage decreased to any damage you take this turn. If you can, whilst submitting this move, also predict the exact method of attack (Fist to the stomach, knife to the heart, etc), you gain an extra turn. You must be specific. “They’re going to try and stab me” isn’t specific enough, unless all they submitted is “stab them”. This consumes a turn.

Dodge (0) Focus. Predict. Roll a 1d20. That number will be the percentage chance, increased, of you dodging any attacks aimed at you this turn. If you roll a 20, you automatically dodge all (realistic) attacks. If you can, whilst submitting this move, also predict the exact method of attack (Fist to the stomach, knife to the heart, etc), you gain an extra turn. You must be specific. “They’re going to try and stab me” isn’t specific enough, unless all that was done is “stab them”. This consumes a turn.

Of note, a lot of attacks can be interrupted. If you block repeatedly and an opponent realizes this, they could, theoretically, just walk as far away from you as possible and just throw things. Furthermore, in player versus player combat, if that for some reason comes up, fancy plays will be recommended. I’ll give advantages for creativity either way.

“Tact” isn’t very useful for mindless combat. Although, if you’d prefer a more… sophisticated approach… getting under an opponents skin before or during a fight will likely help.

You have, at base, two inventory slots. Your left hand, and your right hand. You could carry something in you mouth if you tried hard enough, but I would not advise for it.

Content Warning.

This is a pg-13 forum. That means, please keep your characters “lighthearted”, or, make their traumatization not make me sick. Either works.

Content warnings for:
Guns, knives, and numerous other weapons
Drugs, Alcohol

None of this is certain to happen, just some are rather likely (you should prepare for violence.) Nothing will be visual, but it will be written. Violence be the main subject of depth, but I’ll try to avoid touching too heavily on subjects that I think could cause a problem.
For the average person, this shouldn’t expect this to be particularly scary, either way. I’m not a horror writer, and I don’t do things I’m not okay at.

ill invite you to a discord server upon your signup, so I can ping you to inform you when I’m hosting without you having to constantly check this site

Also, no, we can’t afford guns for… pretty much all of you. Stop asking.

Leveling up

You’ll level up occassionaly, usually by solving things (with your mind or fists.) and you’ll get 1 skill point to spend where-ever, and one ability creation points for every other level-up. You don’t get anything else, except cosmetic changes in your pm.

Absolute Damage

When an Agent, The Detective, or a strong enemy is at 0 health, their “Absolute” health-bar begins to take damage. It’s the reason you have that second handy-dandy health-bar right next to your other one! Which… um. The corp may have also put it as your maximum health. Whoops. All rolls made to you to dodge are reduced by the closest equivalent to 50%, rounded down, and you take 2x more damage to your maximum health guage. During this time, critical blows may be dealt to your body, rendering certain parts of it harder to operate, and potentially lowering your stats. If you take damage to your absolute healthbar, your maximum health goes down equal to that amount. When both your regular healthbar and your absolute healthbar reach zero, you die.

Cadets, at base, do not have an absolute health-bar. If either of their healthbars reaches zero, they die immediately. All attacks and weapons that can lower an Agent’s health must make their first healthbar reach 0, before dealing any more damage, except for environmental hazards or for one item, which will be marked in Scarlet if it enters your inventory… although damage from it doesn’t double upon piercing, only on the next attack and thereafter.

If it helps, imagine your health that’s able to be regenerated by other means as “armour”, and your “absolute damage health” as “health”. Your absolute damage health drags down your total armour capacity, when it gets damaged.

Less notable but still kinda important information

You can post in the main thread, this time! Aren’t I nice to you. Although you can’t during moments of play. Or if you’re being murdered. Or if you’re in a dicey situation. I’ll tell you when to shush. Also don’t angleshoot or make other people angleshoot based on how much you talk. I’d recommend taking off days where you don’t worry about the game, occasionally.

You can make private forum messages to another player, if you’re in the same room as eachother and you’re deemed “close enough” to eachother to whisper. Or if you get a radio, in which case, the host will make a radio chat. You’ll still have to noticeably take out the radio.

Everything equal to and below .49 is rounded down, while everything equal to and above .5 is rounded up. This mainly matters for damage.

If you wanna make downside abilities, I won’t stop you. I’ll try and judge it fairly, and give you positive points (for either abilities, or stats) on what I think is fair.

Processing times will be whenever I feel like it. If your only time of availability is between 10:15:00 AM and 9:45:00 AM i wouldn’t recommend joining. i’ll try to prioritize active timezones for when the most non-cadet operatives are available. Feel free to submit idle combat actions, or have the host parrot for you. You’ll probably want to do the former. I expect the majority of people to join to be American, but I’m still going to host in timezones available for others occasionally. I expect 9:00:00 PM to be when super major story events will happen, typically, but if there’s demand for a different time feel free to state. Don’t feel too bad if you can’t make it, but it might be worth considering not joining as an agent if you’re not interested in getting super indepth to a game and then having to backread the ending, because you’re busy during then.

Magick auto-restores after an encounter. That sounds important to add.

'm unfortunately still mortal, so if you entertain me it might lead me into putting more effort into doing things.

This is a cooperative game, every player can win with eachother. While you don’t know (at base) the Detective’s wincon, at the bare minimum, all wincons can be completed without substantial harm to other players, and will almost certainly benefit greatly from cooperation. Unless a particular case is given to otherwise, the base Mercenary wincon will be “Ensure the death of the target and complete everything in the mission and live to die another day.” (be alive at the end of the game)

Example Character

Name: Violetta Stars
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 162 cm (5’4)
Weight: 53 kg (118 lbs)
Blood Type: A-
Date of Birth: January 30th, 1999
Clothing: She’s wearing a thick white sweater that extends mildly past her wrists, black cargo pants, and white sneakers with no noticeable brand affiliation.
Accessories: A forest green scarf is wrapped around her neck, affixed in a way that looks annoying frustrating to untie.
Eye Description: Brown irises, with a consistent look of at least mild tiredness within them.
Hair Description: Violetta has brown, straight long hair, measuring 53 cm (22 inches) down her back.
Other Noteworthy Information: She’s bruised in various places in her torso and her legs, rendering her endurance and physical capabilities worse then usual.

Miscellaneous Character Descriptions: N/A

Backstory (Optional): Violetta is a mildly successful prosecutor, hailing from a country which was formerly known as part of the United States of America. She’s traveling to her next case in modern-day Remburg, having somehow, again, managing to bring her lover along, Sincred, who should really be volunteering at the hospital instead of entertaining her. Recently, she’s seemed to pick up archery, being surprisingly effective at the hobby in-between her constant stressing during cases.

Violetta Stars
Level - 8
Health - 40/40
Magicks Pool - 9/9
Magic Pool - 8/8
Spare Skill Points - 0
Spare Ability Points - 3

Skill Leveling
Honour 0/1
Empathy 2/3
Logic 3/4
Wisdom 0/5
Agility 6/6
Reaction Speed 2/4
Awareness 1/3
Innerworkings 2/2
Endurance 0/5
Physique 0/5
Survivalism 0/6
Mech Intervention 0/3
Address 3/4
Composure 0/3
Influential Rhetoric 1/3
Charm 3/3
Downgrade Leveling
Conspiracist 0/2
Hypomania 0/1
Paranoia 1/2
Hexed 0/2
Downtrodden 2/3

Weighted Feather (1): Violetta can, while mid-air, jump an additional 14 cm while mid-air, resetting her momentum as if she has just jumped off the floor, sustaining any injuries that the momentum she had while hitting the floor would have effected her otherwise.
Note: Violetta is still effected by the exhaustion of repeatedly jumping, and jumping again in the air
Minds and Wits (2): +2 Address
I Think I Went To Law School For This (3): +1 Agility, +1 Address, +1 Influential Rhetoric
Bold and Bright (4): Violetta starts with an enchanter, shaped like a small harp, with a length of 9 cm and a width of 4 cm. For 5 magic mana, if she rubs this harp upon a ranged projectile that can be shot from a device, such as an arrow or a cannonball, she can effect it with a different elemental effect, either being liquid nitrogen, white phosphorus (α) or lead. What qualifies as a ranged projectile is up to host interpretation. The projectile will be rendered unrecoverable by this effect.
Attrition (5): Upon a ranged projectile hitting an enemy, they will begin wilting down. Any effects that would potentially hamper their ability to fight will be doubled, their movement speed, attacks, or endurance, depending on where they were hit will suffer twice as much as they would otherwise, they will bleed twice as much, and the physical pain will hurt twice as more, unrelated to damage.
Note: A ranged projectile does not include gun ammunition.

Win Condition - Ensure the defendants guilt, in the tribunal.

Examples of power scaling

Weighted Feather (1): Violetta can, while mid-air, jump up an additional 14 cm, resetting her momentum as if she has just jumped off the floor, while sustaining any injuries that the momentum she had while hitting the floor would have effected her otherwise.
Note: Violetta is still effected by the exhaustion of repeatedly jumping, and jumping again in the air

Weighted Feather (2): Violetta can, while mid-air, jump up an additional 18 cm, resetting her momentum as if she has just jumped off the floor, while sustaining any injuries that the momentum she had while hitting the floor would have effected her otherwise. Additionally, while in the air, she gains an 10% additional chance to dodge attacks aimed at her.
Note: Violetta is still effected by the exhaustion of repeatedly jumping, and jumping again in the air

Weighted Feather (3): Violetta can, while mid-air, jump up to an additional 24 cm while mid-air, resetting her momentum as if she has just jumped off the floor, sustaining any injuries that the momentum she had while hitting the floor would have effected her otherwise. While in the air, she gains a 15% chance to dodge attacks aimed at her, and gains a 15% higher chance to hit her attacks with a ranged weapon.
Note: Violetta is still effected by the exhaustion of repeatedly jumping, and jumping again in the air, although mildly lesser then a normal person would be effected.

Weighted Feather (4): Violetta can, while mid-air, jump up to an additional 30 cm while mid-air, resetting her momentum as if she has just jumped off the floor, sustaining any injuries that the momentum she had while hitting the floor would have effected her otherwise. While in the air, she gains a 20% chance to dodge attacks aimed at her, and gains a 20% higher chance to hit her attacks with a ranged weapon. Additionally, Violetta can dash up to 18 cm while mid-air forward, for 5 mana. After doing so, she gains an additional 10% chance to dodge attacks, and gains an extra 30% damage for melee weapons.
Note: Violetta is still effected by the exhaustion of repeatedly jumping, jumping again in the air, and dashing forward, although lesser then a normal person would be effected.

Weighted Feather (5): Violetta can, while mid-air, jump up to an additional 34 cm while mid-air, resetting her momentum as if she has just jumped off the floor, sustaining any injuries that the momentum she had while hitting the floor would have effected her otherwise. While in the air, she gains an additional 20% chance to dodge attacks aimed at her, and gains a 20% higher chance to hit her attacks with a ranged weapon. Additionally, Violetta can dash up to 24 cm while mid-air forward. After doing so, she gains an additional 10% chance to dodge attacks, and gains an extra 40% damage for melee weapons. Any arrow attacks she fires mid-air, for the cost of 3 mana, can have an +30% chance of hitting their target.
Note: Violetta is still effected by the exhaustion of repeatedly jumping, jumping again in the air, although considerably lesser then a normal person would be effected. She is not effected by dashing forward.


Agents and The Detective

[@Keldi] - [2nd Lieutenant]
[@Squirrel2412] - [Liason-Officer]
[@Someone] - [The Detective]




A Plush-Toy and a Bouquet of Flowers

[Liam Cutter - Died from an explosion of napalm. He has served with Lampshade for many years, and will be missed.]
[Finch Ichtaca (Gorgon) - Assassinated by this companies former owner, John Lampshade, in our heroic fight to end his horrid reign. They were a gravely needed help throughout our mission, and their death helped us buy time to put the finishing blow in him. They will be missed.]
[Emlyn Plereun - A commander, and our friend. Assassinated by John Lampshade, she helped us in dire times, and provided support to everyone who asked for it. She personally saved Mr. Victoria’s life many times. She has his commends, and our gratitude. She will be missed.] [This particular grave has a bouquet of fresh flowers. Chiefly among them are Pink Carnations, Clematis Flowers, and Sunflowers.]

A Name on a Wall




Havent read op yet

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the game is planned to end before may
…it could take any time longer or shorter then that if you’re especially slow or fast, but. it’ll probably


that sounds like a great idea, mein freude!


thank god, would be a while if we had to wait for may to die


we needed that disclaimer after. um. last time.

1 Like


My god


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/in as Mercenary


which merc

Me when I cannot open Kotc but you can open this (smh my head)


also i calculated how long it would take for kotc to open and it was 25 days
so i opened it cause this is short sooo

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As someone who has no knowledge of the military, this really does not help me.


Yeah fair

/in as Commander


oh i’ve been spelling it wrong this whole time
also thats a word

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wait no i haven’t

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(a person who acts as a link to assist communication or cooperation between groups of people.)