SCP FM (18/18) - Filled



/in if I canā€™t handle it Iā€™ll sub out


I doubt you couldā€™ve set the expectations any lower than this.


It usually gets a bit more busy around this time of the year and I do want to play, but if I canā€™t play this because I get too busy then Iā€™ll sub out. Like in a few weeks Iā€™ll be spending a few days with family that lives several hours away, so I wonā€™t be able to do much FM stuff then


pretty sure this isnā€™t allowed

Iā€™m pretty sure the rules for MU and FoL are that if you sign up for a game itā€™s with the expectation that youā€™re going to play through the entire thing no ifs and buts

if you make it obvious youā€™re gonna sub out then thatā€™s bad for game integrity for obvious reasons

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it is an Emilia game


You had to add that you might sub out?
That ā€¦ isnā€™t something Iā€™d like to see if I were hosting a game tbh.

more people should join this :eyes:

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Iā€™m not a fan of bastard games, hence why I shall remain a spectator.

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bastard schastard


Im ready to get absolutely voted out d1 due to not playing mafia for months lets go


yes but maybe



please tell me thereā€™s SCP-2050


Hi everyone,

Weā€™ve had a couple questions about our rules surrounding replacements, so we wanted to clarify a few points.

Rule 12 of the Forum Game Rules states:

In general, replacements are intended to be used in genuine emergencies that you did not anticipate in advance. If you expect that it is likely you will not be able to play a game to completion, we recommend that you refrain from signing up.

In the past, we have moderated this rule through a 2-replacements policy. However, this policy was somewhat problematic, as players were sometimes concerned that they would be punished for completely legitimate replacements, and conversely players sometimes strategically replaced out and relied on it only being the first replacement in the designated period. Therefore, we have decided to move back to a policy of moderating replacements on a case-by-case basis. After the end of a game in which you replaced out, a moderator will contact you to discuss the circumstances that led to the replacement. This does not mean that you will be instantly banned for a questionable replacement, as long as it was not egregiously strategic, but if this forms a pattern of behavior action may be taken.


you know itā€™s gonna be a good game when a mod has to make a post about the rules before the game even starts

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Gorta is too powerful

The rules cannot apply to him

It might be only a coincidence that Arete posted their spiel on replacements after Gorta mentioned they might have to sub out, yet the timing is sus.


Its because of that

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