Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

i think po loses a lot of its nuance with higher player games

if you think there is a 1111 then why city

because of pure logic
i’ll explain tomorrow

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ok @Luka

6 minutes

here we must have died alonee

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I appreciate that I’ve been thrown around as a potential suspect and nominated for two days in a row, ending up as a top wagon both days before Bishop nominations, only to be out of danger both times by the end of day.

i think courtier should drunk pithag
even if we dont have one, its…


i will vote you

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Five seconds.

no, probably not

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Day 2 Final Votecount

Nominator Nominee Votes Voters
Storytellers baker 8 Magnus, Someone, Bionic, Hazardwaste, L.una, May, tutuu, baker
Storytellers Bionic 4 Magnus, Someone, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste
Storytellers tutuu -
Storytellers Magnus -
Storytellers Sleep -

baker (8): Magnus, Someone, Bionic, Hazardwaste, L.una, May, tutuu, baker
Bionic (4): Magnus, Someone, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste
Kiiruma (2): Bionic, Atlas

Not Voting (6): Jarek, Luka, IcetFeelsPain, Silviu200530, otterpopd, Artemis


Baker is executed and dies.

He was...

Jacques Desmalin

”You think you’re so smart, huh? Hiding from me on that rooftop? I know all your dirty little tricks. Why don’t you come out before you show yourself to some lead?”

Phebe’s disgruntled uncle who’s housing her now that her parents are dead. He doesn’t like Phebe, she’s glad he doesn’t go out of his way to be mean to her. He works the streets as a constable, and gets angry a lot at the people he has to deal with on his job. He seems to have to have a violent grudge against cultists, so she tries to hide that side of her from him as much as possible…

Night 3 begins.

It will end in 24 hours at 2023-12-18T22:00:00Z.


Day 3 begins shortly.

It will end in 48 hours at 2023-12-20T22:00:00Z.


This topic was automatically opened after 44 minutes.

Good morning.


pithag or sack kill
or was baker just the demon

Or minstrel.