[SFM] Assorted Universes Greatest Idea Mafia - Day 5 (4/17) - WEREWOLVES + SURVIVOR WINS

not exactly true
but i lie as town all the time
probably more than i do as scum

please actually

fine i just got a full tank of gas
if youre serious im on your way


I’m sorry, Chili, you expect me to think I’m just going to ignore the fact you lied about your role and I caught you in said lie yet you think I’m scum for talking about the fact you lied

this is literally your entire argument, the fact I caught you in a lie is me pushing “scum agenda”
No, it’s your own fault you lied and because I’m pointing out the fact you lied doesn’t make me scum, you’re just trying to justify your vote and failing miserably.

And if this isn’t what you’re talking about, what is the “scum agenda” I’m pushing, point it out to everyone

discourse is broken holy hell

I ISO’d Kiiruma

and for some reason the newest post from Wazza and Aelin appeared


@Trochilidae for reference
the reason it stood out to me was because it was a minor flip in tone and i also thought it was funny because whenever i see anything like that i like, the announcer voice goes “its FRIDAY! NIGHT! SMACKDOOOOOOWN! RAAAAAWWWWW! ARE YOU… READY TO… RUUUUUUUUUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” in my head


We are one, we are legion

This town is majority evil.

Trochi wolf?

Anyways my opinion on Kiiruma ISO

He actually did some things (excluding the vote on me since I already noted that)

But a lot of it is extremely passive and just

In the entirety of the ISO, there were like 2 mild stances on things, the rest felt like answering questions or commenting on stuff.

His stance on Trochi doesn’t read as towny to me

im not as sure on wazza anymore

Regarding my Cloned read, I have found villagers tend to be more willing to buck consensus as they only know their own alignment and they’re trying to figure out what’s going on.
It might not be the best reason to rep a village read on Cloned, yet it’s there nonetheless.


Moose ISO

Defends a survivor claim from the get-go


I’m getting me vibes from this slot lol
That’s how i usually approach d1

…Yea this feels like me

Which makes this even more problematic:

When I play scum I’m focused a lot more on how I sound, and try my absolute best to mimic my town voice. Because I’m trying to mimic my town voice it is hard to pick up on what’s scummy behavior and what’s just them being them, but the notion that they are very aware of how they sound indicates that they are indeed self-aware.

Scumread confirmed.


Wazza ISO

Nice thought!
Have a cookie :cookie:

Same thing with Kiiruma, good to keep this in mind
Wazza likes scum

Fuck it here’s what I have now, dont think ill finish before EoD

his read on Chili just reads to me as “Kii doing Kii things”

Also btw I want to look at any LHF since I feel like scum would be more inclined to be silent so if I die today I want you all to remember this

waiting for VC, will vote moose unless someone wants to convince me otherwise

i need to go for like dinner

but my opinion on most of the LHFs are pretty much null or scummy

Okay i thought EoD was in 20 minutes instead of in an hour 20, but doesn’t matter cause I have something to get to soon anyway

anyone wanna convince me to vote one way or another and/or recommend me ppl to read overnight

U r making something out of nothing cloned, but I can’t argue now because I have ham and cheesy potatoes to make, then eat

I will get back to u on ur allegations

still think trochi is villagery
but I think the way wazza handled her read there can be like
idk how to say it
its like
not a thing she never does
still hate that aelin read though

the read on me
the read from trochi onto me
the read from wazza onto me
this was terribly ambiguous