Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

This describes who i am as a player and in multiple facets of my personality.

i thought itd be funny to one up you repeatedly but holy shit youre just a black hole

I’m on another level Jaiden

‘Am i too powertul for you’ sounded so anime.

I haven’t played you as scum but you have an excellent track record to be respected as not polarized but if this is your scum game i am probably going to have to lose to it to buy that.

My thought at the time was, weird Jarek is choosing to switch wagons to me when he thinks Prisma is also scum

Hence Jarek/Prisma

My thought on Jarek/Memes was that if Prisma was T, would you be scumbuddy Jarek wants to save? I think I discarded the thought afterwards bc it didn’t make much sense logically

You’re gonna have to be more specific about D1

I think Jarek’s scummy for other reasons.

The part about Eliza is an example about how your reason is not sufficient for a townclear (and how I think other reasons should be weighed still), not that Jarek is scum for exeing Zorvo.

This is not my scum game, obviously. I wouldn’t be Prisma’s CW if I was

Jarek personally attacked me on day 1 and I responded in kind.

I want to vote Prisma

But I assume my vote is not needed for Prisma wagon rn if you guys wanna talk for another half hour, I am in class so I won’t be talking too much

But my vote’s there in spirit

did you already make those reasons known?

Mm yeah that’s true

We don’t need to wait, the thread has been dead for 12 hours with the same votes on.

can i do it

i love doing it

are you asking me for permission?

I think I did

If not, it was mostly about his a. contradictory still-unclarified posts and b. his sheepy votes / lack of contribution

i wonder why memes would want an early exec though

I mean if you wanted to ask me any more questions really quick

im feeling the mood of the thread i dont really care about your opinion

Clearly because I’m scum and I want her elimination and not because the game is stale with no progress being made.