Make sure you’re getting your essay done sulit.
But hey, you can make your decision who to vote.

You saw what snapvoting did for us yesterday.

Yesterday looked bad on me but tbf I was feeling paranoid
All game I’m pushing Leafia alone and I think Kiiruma is Hider, but then BAM Kiiruma says they were faking PR and that pre-rand comment kept haunting me
I was tempted very much to hammer but I have trauma lol

I also planned on making a powerpoint at some point today bcus I thought I’d get quickhammered (and it would be funny), but then RL happened

Hmm if I were Sulit I’d kill Kiiruma there instead, I know Zenon would’ve voted right away, and votes are locked.

Alright, neither of you fell for the really obvious trick that I left.
Hi, I’m the Drunk. Yes I was a PR.

I followed Litten’s exact way that a “PR should be acting”
So that way I could correctly be on the list and mafia couldn’t do anything bout it.

when did u use ur ability?

So I guess if I was an ice cream, I’d be rum and raisin.
Which is also a very very mediocre choice.

I figured I’d made myself a very logical target.

ok yea i believe it

i feel like beating myself up bcus i SHOULD HAVE KNOWN that Marluna was hider
i just didnt expect them to legit claim it like that
i thought they forgot to add the conditional and were doing what Litten asked us to

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Our Hider was Marluna.
Our vig is someone who was killed N1 probably?

Zenon was VT.
I knew because Nekopara has a family of catgirls who are named after different flavours (one of which was vanilla)

The other ones I “considered to be possible” (I didn’t think they were possible but I wanted to make it out like Zenon was a PR) were Drunk - The catgirl Maple likes to visit cafes to try food and drinks and also Hider - The main character found 2 of the family catgirls were hiding in boxes.

who do u think it is out of me and Sulit?

also i never bothered looking that up

I think something useful to note is, Leafia said me and Sulit were T/W
but also said they SR’d me
but also claimed they dont know what i am

I TR Sulit initially I think bcus they kept asking questions about things, and that’s kinda how I play sometimes.
But where I ask to garner reactions, they seemed to ask to know the general consensus of reads.

do u find that suspicious?

VOTE: sulit
ahhhhh spectators forgibes me if im wrong and Kiiruma quickhammers this

ggs if we lost ;-;

im too anxious and impatient!