The Amazing Digital Circus Vig10er - FILLED (10/10) NEED BACKUPS

more mouse bites

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if people are worried about this coinciding with FAM it wont, i’ve done the math (assuming signups fil relatively soonish)

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I’d join but finals :goombew:

i am once again asking for member to join the circus

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tempting tbh

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the only thing is idk if I’d want to wolf in this setup

True but 8/10 chance of good

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So surely its gonna be fine :sob:

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Its fun ive done it

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the game i immediatly point to as “some of the most fun ive had in mafia” was a vig 10er as maf
All im sayin

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does being afraid of the vig not make it less fun tho

like as wolf normally if me or a teammate is being pushed, I and the other wolves can fight that in the thread

whereas with a vig it’s like
lol u died

obviously you can PR hunt the vig, and be towny, but it feels pretty high variance because it’s pretty hard to be towny enough to everyone who might be vig

I mean it depends on what u find fun in mafia. I enjoy it, and i think it adds a nice layer of complexity. Also, it usually isnt as hard to find a vig compared to other prs (imo). While u can fight accusations in thread and a vig can just like hero shoot even if ur towny, i feel like the same logic goes for a town member. I understand hwere ur coming from though

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oh it very much does
but I mind a lot more if I’m wolf

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Sure. I need the credit.


vig10 is fun as both alignments imo - one of my favorite setups

i’d join if i had time and energy


Now if I /o—

it’s only painful if the vig lives to day 3 but it’s kinda on the wolves at that point

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